
紐約州州長安德魯·庫莫(Andrew Cuomo)將與其他州長一起,包括康涅狄格州州長內德·拉蒙特和賓夕法尼亞州州長湯姆·沃爾夫,宣布各州對冠狀病毒爆發的反應。特拉華州州長約翰·卡尼,羅得島州州長吉娜·雷蒙多和新澤西州州長菲爾·墨菲也將出席。

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  1. Some smaller European countries (so more comparable to states or small state clusters), are gradually opening back up with first kindergarten, then the youngest kids in schools, then middle (10-15 ish) etc, with a week between segments. This way they work towards a more even reopening of work and business (if you go the other way around, families with kids of multiple age groups might have their oldest children back in school but can't go back to work because the youngest ones, most in need of the daycare function, are still home), families with older children may go back to work without waiting if the kids are old enough to stay home on their own during the work day or with an older sibling etc. And the youngest ones are often the most vulnerable in terms of falling behind on development and learning, and the hardest ones to manage and provide a (partial) digital substitute for.

    So they start out in a reduced volume with the youngest children that will require the most manpower and direct interaction, for managing the social distancing and hygiene regiments established. That way the daycare and school institutions, their manpower, is much less likely to become overwhelmed and unable to manage the situation safely. They learn from the process, both the kids and the employees get aquainted and into routines, work out the kinks and neccessary changes as the regiments and strategies are deployed in real-world, real-time practice. And, the kindergarten and schools also have enough time between each group reentry, to start seeing some real data output in how this affect infection rates, before the next group is reinstated. If all goes within safe and workable parameters, then a week later the next group comes in, needing a bit less manpower and direct personal intervention, and being informed by the experiences and data gathered throughout the week before. Doing it this way, also limits the spread (and consequentially the economic hurt) substantially, if they start seeing in the data that something haven't played out as intended, and they need to stomp on the brakes. Because by the time we eg. see a spike in cases that is too big to safely manage, those new "cases" have already been spreading it themselves for days.

    By turning on the systems, and turning up the valves, slowly and concistantly, they can substantially limit the damage if they discover any substantial leaks. Ideally patch them up quickly as smaller leaks make themselves apparent, turn down any subsystems if neccesary, and worst case, close the valve again if they must.

  2. American societies vs many other modern societies, is still (comparatively) very heavily reliant on transaction in cash. Cash can be a incredibly large and effective contagion mechanism, in particular because it's all in stacked contact, usually in plastic-lined registers, and recirculates and redistributes (physically) so quickly. If we were to get a proper federal coordination of response and mitigation, the Fed need to start printing currency like hell, and send out the stockpile reserves they have.

    Now I don't mean "printing more money" in the fiscal sense – if we ever get to that, we'll cross that bridge then. But get a 4-7 day supply of physical cash turnover out to as many businesses, banks and money transfer hotspots as they can (this thing has been found to no longer be detectable on paper currency after 4 days, on some coin materials, 6-7 days). All registered and logged of course. This way, these businesses, under guidance and assistance in the areas needed, can physically retain the bills and coins coming in each day, keep each day's collection separate from eachother contamination wise; basically quarantine it (if going for the 4 days, don't store or separate in plastic bags or containers), and throught this arrangement – keep each day's cash input out of circulation and handling for 4-7 days.

    Some businesses might be able to do this on their own, but many won't. And those will need that substitute-supply of notes and coins for giving withdrawals and change back to customers, for that initial 4-7 day period, until it's considered safe to start reissuing the incoming cash from the first day, and complete "the quarantine rotation".

    Every penny supplied would of course have to be registered with the business, and logged when each stack is "fed into" circulation. Both for the ability to rapidly trace in case a business get robbed or any of that money stolen. And it would be up to the fed and business to coordinate and agree on how and how much physical currency can be returned to the Fed once we get passed this, and how much will be repaid electronically. As the intent is not to "give out money" in a fiscal sense, only to facilitate a rolling quarantine of the physical currency, through supplying the means for those first days when bills and coins go into the rolling quarantine but they don't have enough on hand to rotate out.

    There is notably less people paying and doing withdrawals in cash these days, that would ease some of the pressure and volume compared to ordinary times. Electronic payments can be incentivised and promoted, through PR, through cooperation with the card companies for a reduction or part subsidizing in transaction fees, and in a serious pinch, possibly a temporary modulation of taxes. And while virus lives longer on plastic, it greatly reduces the contact exposure and contact points; hygenic management of a card terminal is far more realistic than of a handful of notes and coins every minute.

  3. TRUMP November Elections Pandemic still: TRUMP FED Martial Law against all these Governors Joint Forces. Is that coming?

  4. So impressed with the Northeastern states demonstrating the importance of a coordinated and collaborative plan to enter the next phase of the "new normal". Great leadership Gov. Cuomo !

  5. This is the end of coumo! He just committed political suicide and also spearheaded thousands of more avoidable deaths. He will be arrested for this.

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