
一種讓您感到完整的友誼。 #假人將於4月20日來到基比。



  1. The director of this movie has a boyfriend that could be her father so that's why she choose Anna's boyfriend character also old enough to be her father?

  2. Why all feminist movies/TV series have a scene with woman peeing? Is this some kind of a metaphore for women empowerment? Or this IS the women empowerment?

  3. Wow! And this is why the wrath of God is coming. A sex doll that is 7? A movie about a sex doll is already foolish. But to push pedophile agenda. Having sex with a child or even the resemblance of a child is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord.

  4. A porn sex doll that comes to life? How uncreative and pothetic. "He's like 14 … Soooo… I'm 7?" Good job Quibi, way to introduce pornography to our younger generation and encourage pedophiles and sex addicts to indulge in their fantasies by making light of the subject.

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