3個簡單的編輯技巧,可幫助您加快工作流程的大量時間!(Adobe Premiere Pro CC教程)

在本常規編輯教程(間接稱為Adobe Premiere Pro)中,我將分享3個基本提示,以幫助您更快更有效地進行編輯。該視頻適用於採訪,視頻博客以及具有許多剪輯和角度變化的任何視頻樣式。

1.預編輯-整理剪輯至關重要。為此,您應該觀看每個剪輯,快速標記入點和出點以及任何錯誤。查看每個剪輯後,相應地命名它們。接下來,我強​​烈建議更改每個剪輯上的標籤顏色,以與特定類型的鏡頭和角度相對應。 (2:40)


3.鍵盤快捷鍵和工具-了解執行簡單任務的預先設計方法。 Adobe已經預編程了執行簡單編輯任務的快速方法。通過滾動編輯,跟蹤向前選擇,提取,抬起等方式學習如何使用這些功能,以及學習它們各自的鍵盤快捷鍵。 (13:25)

感謝收看! 。

  1. hello Jeremy, useful sharing, i don't use Adobe now (only iMovie for editing my simple vids) but i like watching you sharing useful stuff. thank you very much and please stay safe, healthy and happy with your family. God bless you ???❤️??

  2. Great tips!! Alot of this advice can work with other programs too. Anything to save time is a huge help.
    I am a final cut guy but as of lately been enjoying Lumafusion on the ipad. I love to edit on my back on the couch LOL.

  3. Hi, my friend, great tips for Premiere , to move forward and shorten time!, this is the program that I use since 2013, I do not change it for any other!!, more than anything because it offers me compatibility with after effects and photoshop!!, a hug, great like 3

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