










***我的最新書! 「我的貓會吃我的眼球嗎?」 ***








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監製:洪易(@ LouiseHung1)
編輯和圖形:Landis Blair(@landisblair)


  1. But…..are they not actually diseased corpses? I mean I know the humanity of loved ones…I'm not cold. But could you enlighten us if the dead is contagious with the disease as well? More or less so?

  2. This is a good example of the media sensationalizing death right now. That's the last thing we need. Yes, the media has a responsibility to report the truth, which I think they're doing for the most part, but reporting has been coving the death toll much more then the survivor stories. It's really sad. ALL of this is sad!

  3. I don't know why … but watching these videos is very relaxing to me …i used to be scared to death ( no pun intended ) of death … but this channel is strangely soothing to me … am i weird ? well maybe i am, but i just love this channel ???

  4. I don't follow American media too closely so my perception could be based on a difference in reporting but I don't mind to reporting of bodies being kept in ice rinks. Yes it's supposed to shock you but for me stuff like this only drives home how many more people are dying than usual. Numbers are great but numbers don't hit close to home. But too me that also how the media portrayed it. As a 'look hiw many people are dying' and not 'look how far we have fallen to treat our dead this way' but again that could be because most of the media reports I saw wern't American.

    Thank you for your video. I learn so much watching you and it is extremely fascinating to see behind the scenes a bit.

  5. My uncle was in your profession all his life. I do not know how people could work being in the field as it takes a specific type of person to do it. It is a very good profession money wise so with the money those make with doing in, no offense but it is common sense why the majority in the field is Republicans as they make such a good amount yearly and republicans are more in the political party to keep their taxes down. It has always been this way in history of America though some says it's just their political preference. So therefore I disagree with some but not all that you are saying when you are directing the truth away from the aspect of the news with the misleading and lies Trump put on the American citizens.

    Now regarding everything else you mentioned, I do agree completely with you. By the way, I am republican and I do make good money but the difference is I can't support Trump and instead I support Bill Weld and Romney as a conservative republican. My uncle prior to his own death this past year served as a mortician and he worked in the only funeral home in live oak Florida before it expanded for many decades. As you know, years ago, morticians often lived on property also. I recall growing up staying summers in the funeral home in the upstairs apartment. To say the least, I could never get over seeing & experiencing things there and I will just leave it at that. I later worked for a chain of funeral homes and with others in your field from Louisiana that had a few locations in Tampa Florida as a manager. There I gained total respect for the deceased and their loved ones but I do not know how one could never understand could get over working in the field and I for sure can't see anyone being a "death enthusiast" as you said lol. But I do appreciate what you all do in caring for our loved ones who pass away. I do enjoy the history of our deceased loved ones as most had a interesting life at one point so learning about them was always interesting.

  6. Thank you, for a rational insightful view of something that the news media is distorting and exaggerating into something much worse than it really is.

  7. I wish Caitlyn would tell how Egyptians would have embalmed Jacob, the father of Joseph, Canaanite or Jew/Hebrew. Where it took 40 days I think. As I think it was said ancient Egyptians would draw the brain out through the nose, the intestines removed from an incision in the side, which was he mummified or what?????

  8. Thank you for explaining this to the world. I know have an understanding of the process and the truth. God bless you and please keep doing your videos.

  9. Yeah I thought they were putting everyone into burial pits.

    On another note I saw a report that only heat kills the virus, cold does the opposite. It can last in the freezer for up to 2 years.

  10. I have a question for you Caitlin! When planning a funeral do Hearses matter? If you got to choose what brand and style of hearse you could have in your funeral home garage, What would it be?

  11. Gosh, I wish I have had your knowledge for the last couple of months. I've had anxiety attacks, one after another from this whole thing. Shame on most Media and most Social Media. BLESS YOU.

  12. One question I had and couldn't find any transparent answers on is what happens to a virus once it has killed it's host? Does the virus die when the person who has the virus dies??

  13. The 「BENTHAM』S HEAAAAAD」 at the tail end of the video still cracks me up ? It』s exactly what we need at a time like this. Thank you so much, Death Mother ❤️

  14. I agree to a certain extent, but the facts are that people are not taking this disease seriously enough. This type of reporting does go way over the top most of the time, but some of it is needed to scare people into staying home and even to scare politicians into enacting policy that forces people to stay home (to a constitutional extent). Doctors are saying that there are people dead today because Alabama and Florida stayed open during Spring Break, and all of the states are still way behind on testing supplies and PPE to this day! So I guess I'm just saying that the reporting needs to be a balance of reassurance and fear (not panic) especially because we have a conspiracy theorist president making this worse. Fear is sometimes necessary to save lives, but it can be used in a better way.

  15. thank you, dear, I have had repeatedly since the start of this pandemic tell friends not to trust everything the media to give them factual news to go to the CDC for the news on the pandemic there's a lot of false news being passed around as fact out there

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