這是您將Google Classroom和Meet結合在一起進行遠程學習的方式

如果您正在使用Google Classroom進行教學,那麼此視頻適合您!

讓我們看一下如何將Google Meet與Google課堂集成。



注意:Google已為所有學校和企業G Suite帳戶提供了到2020年7月1日的環聊會議高級功能的許可權。您的IT管理員必須啟用錄製功能,然後才能使用它!



約翰·索瓦什(John R. Sowash)是前HS生物學老師和校長,他幫助老師使用技術來改進教學。您可以拿起他的書的副本,閱讀他的博客,或邀請他來參觀您的學校。

  1. Earlier today Google announced two helpful updates for Google Meet:

    ? Only meeting creators and calendar owners can mute or remove other participants in a meeting.

    ?Meeting participants will not be able to re-join nicknamed meetings once the final participant has left.

    These updates solve two big issues when using Google Meet with students.

    Note: These new features must be enabled through the Google Admin console. These updates are rolling out now but will take some time to reach all accounts.

    Full blog post: https://tinyurl.com/mqe4c98

  2. Thank you for this lesson. Google Meet behaves differently on my school's platform. When I set up a class meeting through Google Meet, and then Record a segment of the class, Meet does not make me the owner of the recording. It makes one of the students the owner, and I have to track down that student and explain to her how to share the recording with her classmates. If, however, I set up the Meet through a Google Calendar appointment, Meet makes me the owner of the recording and I can share it as you show in this video (so far, anyway). I wonder whether you have any idea what might be difference in my system setup?

  3. Hello! Many thanks for this video. Just a question, did you create the "Meet Recordings" folder in Google Drive or is it already built in?

  4. When you are presenting to your students is there a way to continue viewing the students online? When I pull up my presented window, it covers my students….

  5. Hi John. I am attempting my first Google Meet today. I am curious if I can go back and forth between me (during discussion) and then show them the screen on my computer? Everything I've watched so far made it seem like it is one or the other.

  6. Thanks John this is so helpful! We're having privacy concerns – students using the links before the meet to chat without the teacher present. I know Google has changed it so that students can't rejoin the meeting if the teacher is the last to leave, but are scheduled meetings or links they have codes for active before the teacher joins the class? Any insight or tips would be helpful!

  7. Thank you! This was a very helpful and necessary extra layer to my Google Hangout Meet use. I also am now able to record mini videos and upload them easily to just drop greetings to my students during the COVID 19 distance learning.

  8. @John R. Sowash I love your Google tutorials. The best ever, but I have a question. Our school has instructed us to "meet" with our students for Office Hours from 2-3pm M-Th. I have 8 high school Literacy classes. I understand how to set up one and link it to the calendar, but I don't see how I can set up 8 different Google Classrooms. I suppose, optimally, I could set up 2 classes for M, then two for Tuesday and so on. It really doesn't make sense for me with 150 students in 8 different classes, now all online. Any suggestions??

  9. Something that confuses me is that Google Hangouts is a different App from Google Meet (both new to me), but in your videos, you refer to "Hangouts Meet"?

  10. How can students hear videos in a google slide ? I have placed youtube videos in a Google Slide. The students were not able to hear the video. They could see the video.

  11. Thanks for adding the privacy issue. Can students who access a video through Google Classroom save it to their drive and upload it to other social media?

  12. So I did my first Google meet I got 22 people we talked for 10 minutes then I ended the video call. I thought I ended by clicking the red phone, but I didn't not because I received a copy of my conversation for 3 hours. People stayed talking for 3 hours. What was my mistake? Anyone knows? Help please

  13. Thanks! I do not think our district is allowing us to record anything that has students in it, but I am asking for clarification. Best video I have watched so far during this diabolical.

  14. Another great video. Very helpful. Silly question. How did you add the Emojis and Numbers (1 and 2) in the Google assignment that are bold, boxed, and blue. Thanks

  15. How do I record without a second screen on the right? I have changed settings to spotlight and still pics on the right of participants. Including ME. Even if I turn off my camera.

  16. Hey John, quick question: if I use Google Calendar to schedule a meeting for my class, and if I've created a Google Group for the class members, can I type the Google Group email into the "invite guests" option in Calendar? Will that work? Or do I have to type individual email addresses? (I understand I can also send the link to students by way of the group–just asking about the "invite guests" option.)

  17. Hi John,
    The video is very helpful but i have 2 questions:
    1. Can I disable the students to stop the recording? Because I started the recording and some of the students played with it and stopped it… 🙁
    2. Can I mute all the students mic's at once?

  18. Hi and thanks. I am using Google Suite with class to get through these times, and am grateful for your help! Is there a way to see 28 faces, similar to Zoom? I would like kids to see each other as our main goal is to create community during a time of isolation. Thanks, again.

  19. Great video! What are schools using for online summative testing? I'd like to use something that integrates with Google Classroom but has more features than Google Forms.

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