這是您在課堂上使用Google Meet所需的知識

雖然無法複製每天在教室中發生的面對面互動,但可以通過Google …獲得視頻會議功能。

  1. John, I noticed after leaving our scheduled Google Meeting and then checking back minutes later, some of my students had hung around. I then had to remove each of them individually. Any way to prevent them from sticking around after the teacher leaves–or do I have to do as I did?

  2. I have a question. I am not a teacher, but I am trying to join a meeting on google meets for my son under my google account. Every time I try to enter a meeting code or click on the link that my sons teacher provided. It always saids, 「no such meeting」. What do you think the issue is?

  3. Does anyone know if participants can log in to the Google meeting before the scheduled time without the creator being present?

  4. Is there a way to 「force」 a link to expire? I have a bunch of my third graders meeting together when I』m not in the meeting. It would be nice to be able to close a meet and just get a new link. I don』t meet with them everyday and not sure I like the fact that students can be in a meeting without m. It』s like they』re in my classroom with no supervision ?

  5. I purchased a bunch of Boom cards thinking I would be able to use them on Google Meet as they are intended to be used – interactively. When I attempted to use them, the student was only able to view them, not interact with them (I could, however, interact with them). Is there any way to get the student to be able to use Boom cards interactively on Google Meet?

  6. When you screen share, is it one or the other kind of thing. Meaning if a tab is shared, does the presenter only see tab being presented and nothing else (people)?

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