
Yahoo Finance的Alexis Christoforous,Brian Sozzi和Rick Newman討論了領導層如何應對冠狀病毒及其對選舉的影響。
#Trumpcoronavirus#Trumpcovid19 $ Fauci
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  1. Did you not get the memo how Fauci and Trump said this was FAKE NEWS? ? why did you jump on the bandwagon without fact checking?

  2. Dr. Fauci made it a point to talk about how the media is lying about this exact narrative, and what does yahoo news, msnbc do? Lie when can we sue these networks for constantly lying to us?

  3. No matter what you think about Yahoo News……Donald Trump has bungled the handling
    of coronavirus. Nothing new. He's bungled 95% of everything he's stuck his fat face into!!

  4. Trump has saved millions of lies while the Dems have done nothing but lie and try to smear him. I left the Democrat party over the virus lies by them.

  5. As a life long Democrat I will be voting for Trump this time. The Democrat lies and smears have become obvious, and Trump has done an excellent job with the virus.
    I am happy I got to watch the whole thing rather than edited CNN/NBC etc propaganda and lies.

  6. Trump's only at odds with staff to make himself look innocent when he really had 0 intention of doing anything but lining the pockets of the .000001%.

    His retard supporters are not wise enough to see they got played and the other supporters he has are rabid zionists.

  7. If Anthony Fauci isn't strung up for pushing this nation into a needless shutdown and economic spiral then we know for certain that the public has lost their minds.

  8. You guys are so disgusting & deplorable that we don』t need your fake news at a time like this we』re all Americans trying to get pass this period. Get over the HATE MONGERING

  9. Shame on you guys focusing on two guys disagreement of opinion that is a normal in any business ? focus on good things that everyone has done so far including President Trump』s good jobs do t just focus on the negative or one minor issue ? media is divider

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