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  1. All over the world they get back to normal not in ok because our scientists and these doctors will destroy our economy and everything else

  2. CCP Virus. . .chinese communist party virus, allowing the Chinese to travel around Chinese New Year all around the world, yet the Chinese closed all internal travel in China!? They knew 6 weeks before and the CCP and the WHO said nothing! Ban the Chinese! Saw a video of a hospital near Wuhan and there were thousands waiting outside a hospital as they had symptoms. . .so they still have it and are lying about their death toll!

  3. Its all a scam..all they want to do is push the vaccinne that is the real killer…probably got a liquid chip in it…once injected into your system they switch 5g on and ram it up this will react with your chip or should i say your blood as the vacinne will be in your system…this will kill you

  4. out of all the people in the world this guy knows what he』s talking about 『even when lockdown is over its still contageous and can kill thousands its going to last for years

  5. It』s flu , fear , control , no vaccine is safe and they are dangerous , it is proven flu vaccines don』t work as the virus mutates quickly , and there is no accurate test to prove if you have the virus it』s a genetic material test and we all carry the coronavirus , plus many other viruses, all death certificates indicate coved-19 it is a lie, my dear friend died of a heart attack at home and they put coved-19 until it was contested !! This is to make numbers of covid-19 rise . Ferguson the Imperial College Controller, is a scare monger with computer projections which he changes at will, and the government cow down to him , we have no strong leaders they are afraid to stand up and speak out, Wake up people we are heading for mass control , 5G is rolling out, China is sitting quietly on the sideline just waiting! where is freedom of speech why are we hearing only the control side of the story, because fear controls the masses, question why London Real has been shut down on you tube amongst many others Wake up people don』t be like sheep do some research for yourself Bill Gates and Fauci is a good start Open your Eyes

  6. Does anyone remember when people died of anything other than covid1984 ?
    The figures are as most stats easily manipulated without real data provided

  7. Could we all get free training, so we can retrain to get a working from home job? Then the economy would still go around. Like being a virtual receptionist, virtual medical secreteries/transcribers etc etc etc that the office workers can work from home and do job meeting via facetime and so on

  8. you could all come out off your houses…… and with a good push from Boris , if he would simply admit he took Hydroxy,zpack,zinc cocktail,and recovered from his 14 day ordeal in 2 days like everyone else has so everyone should take it prophylactically. But he won't, , and needless more infections and deaths are coming while you sit in your rocking chairs. Why don't you Brits pull out your Pink Floyd disc and play "sheep"

  9. The government are to blame for the viras coming into the uk by allowing flights back into the uk knowing that the viras could spread fast so the government are the killers

  10. More media puppets spewing utter crap, from one of the worst lying newspapers . if folk can't see this is their PLANdemic, to bring in their new system, then there's no hope left.

  11. biggest lie of the 20th century was IT ONLY KILLS THE OLD AND SICK only history will judge the way the uk politicians have acted and handled the crises i suspect it wont be good

  12. I wish this virus is over right now or might be at Christmas time when this horrible virus has gone I am staying away from people in my village near Sheffield and I think they should keep the lockdown extended until a vaccine is found and I don』t want to go to the football match at Hillsboro people spreading germs near me I think social distance rules should be in place until virus dies out but I am not going abroad until next year because if I went to Spain this year like Spain is reviewing the lockdown I don』t want me in hospital because I am keeping away from other countries like Spain I agree with you dr Jones

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