
美國國立衛生研究院冠狀病毒疫苗研究的首席科學家Kizzmekia Corbett告訴CNN的Anderson Cooper和Sanjay Gupta博士說,明年春季可能會向公眾提供冠狀病毒疫苗。

#CNN #News。

  1. "WOW! Lead NIH Vaccine Scientist Kizzy Corbett Is a Crackpot Who Calls COVID-19 「Genocide」 on Blacks, Expert in Virology
    and 「Vagina-ology」 " 17 April 2020

    Kizzmekia Corbett works for the National Institute of Health (NIH) who is described as the Black scientist leading the National Institutes of Health』s (NIH) development of a COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine.

    She』s 34-years-old and getting several spots on CNN and other far left outlets.

    Also an anti-white race hustler; describes herself as an expert in virology, vaccinology and vagina-ology.


    Kizzmekia believes the coronavirus is a genocide against blacks — which is crazy.


    And Kizzmekia hates what white men have created.
    She』s a bigot.

    Tucker Carlson ran a segment on KizziePhD on Friday night and it was just STUNNING!
    How is someone like this allowed to work at and represent the NIH?


  2. "WOW! Lead NIH Vaccine Scientist Kizzy Corbett Is a Crackpot Who Calls COVID-19 「Genocide」 on Blacks, Expert in Virology
    and 「Vagina-ology」 " 17 April 2020

    Kizzmekia Corbett works for the National Institute of Health (NIH) who is described as the Black scientist leading the National Institutes of Health』s (NIH) development of a COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine.

    She』s 34-years-old and getting several spots on CNN and other far left outlets.

    Also an anti-white race hustler; describes herself as an expert in virology, vaccinology and vagina-ology.


    Kizzmekia believes the coronavirus is a genocide against blacks — which is crazy.


    And Kizzmekia hates what white men have created.
    She』s a bigot.

    Tucker Carlson ran a segment on KizziePhD on Friday night and it was just STUNNING!
    How is someone like this allowed to work at and represent the NIH?


  3. Calling her Miss or Dr shouldn』t be anyone』s focus. You can see the amount of respect they give her because she knows what she』s talking about. Let』s learn to focus on more important information because it』s the pettiness of mankind that』s bringing all the discord and tearing humanity apart.

  4. They forgot to mention that President Trump paved the way for the scientists.. by removing and unblocking all the nonsense that were preventing them from human testing..
    Thank you President Trump..2020

  5. If Kizzmekia Corbett could push a button and 50 white people would die, she』d do it. No wonder why cnn loves her. Look at her despicable anti-white twitter posts. You gonna do a report about that, fake news cnn???

  6. If this was a Jewish or Asian guy who had perfect SAT and GRE scores and got honors all the way from undergraduate to PhD…no one would know who he was.

  7. People hear this an think it's a sign of hope but just as the people on here say they have a vaccine one day then not the next they open the country,state up one day then they don't they dont know to much more than what we do about this virus I dont know if this is a sign from god or man made you cant believe everything you hear on the news or online especially right now in this time an day if it takes till next year to control this. This world as we know it wont make it I really dont think everyone as there own opinion! And that's mine get right with the good lord above were gonna lose alot of good people in these days an times an as days months years go by will lose billions more we will not get immune to this like the flu common cold ect. People will not follow this restriction not much longer done protesting in Ohio an all that wanted to open everything up when they do deaths tolls will rise a thousdands then it will get to the point were you cant buy food everyday needs gonna be like back in old times plant gardens raise your own meats only way an the people who dont know how to do that will not make it if they don't pass do to this virus it's scary I know I'm scared to noone in this world is safe from this virus I wish everyone the best of luck god bless you all this country state an world

  8. Kizzmekia Corbett The name says it all HA HA! She is a sh*t starter like
    the rest of them, one more black calling white people racist when she
    is being the racist, true liberal, UN NEEDED AND UN WANTED RACE.

  9. Kizzmekia Corbett The name says it all HA HA! She is a sh*t starter like
    the rest of them, one more black calling white people racist when she
    is being the racist, true liberal, UN NEEDED AND UN WANTED RACE.

  10. The lyme disease vaccine was stopped after found it would give people lyme symptoms,there is no safety guarantee- say no to forced vaccination

  11. Hey Dr. Corbett You make sure those vaccinations are voluntary. Because we are calling out the wolves in sheep』s clothes. We don』t need another Obama

  12. She』s just a poster child for CNN and for a pharmaceutical company if she was that good she would have already came up with something for all the other common viruses..

  13. Settle down people, I don』t even like CNN or Anderson, go Trump! But he clearly wasn』t trying to be disrespectful or trying to down play her position by calling her Miss. People are always looking to cancel other people nowadays, 1st world country problems. Smdh.

  14. Anderson is a douche bag…..Gupta is a TV doctor just like Dr Oz and Dr Phil. Dr Corbett is trying hard to dumb it down for those to idiots. The teams working on vaccines are many.

    As we all know they have been telling us 2021…12-18 months. BS. People HAVE BEEN given a safe and effective vaccine. Its ready now. Its being used now. The DoD will be deploying it 3rd week of June…..government included….next will be what is referred to as key figures. Next will be healthcare mid AUGUST and at which time it will be publicly announced. Late October, deployed by the hundreds of thousands of doses…right before voting and the christmas shopping season.

    Doesnt matter anyway because Remdesivir is seriously putting a dent in the infection and mortality rates by May 15th. If you get it and treat early, you arent going to get that sick and the mortality goes down to .001 when treated at first clinical symptoms. In fact alot of people wont even want a vaccine.

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