《勇敢的新世界》預告片(2020)艾登·埃倫賴希(Alden Ehrenreich),科幻系列

《勇敢的新世界》預告片(2020)艾登·埃倫賴希(Alden Ehrenreich),科幻系列

  1. Oh such a good timing for such a story! REALLY? Of course let's remind everybody of 1932s antiutopian novel with a totalitarian government and artificially born children, with no freedom of thought, ill consumerism, caste system. Sure. If you think that's just pure entertainment, well I don't. I believe it's just one more way of their sick propaganda of these slavery ideas for the future of humanity. And you know what. F**K YOU.

  2. Why did they make this instead of allowing the book to be left alone as piece of art?
    「Because it』s old that』s the chief reason. We don』t have any use for old things here. Particularly when they』re beautiful. Beauty』s attractive, and we don』t want people to be attracted by old things. We want them to like the new ones.」 (page 216 of Brave New World)

  3. I'm going to be honest here, I know the book, not very thrill about it, I like the concept, but I'm watching it for Joseph Morgan, I really sant to know how his character is going to be.

  4. At least two coments indicates total ignorance about the fact that this is based on the book Brave New World (1931) from Aldous Huxley and has nothing to do with dystopian approachs that dates over 30 years latter (westworld -1973).

  5. Christ, yet another Syfy mangling of a classic text. Why can't y'all just write your OWN stories? Why do you have to shit on the classics??

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