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#MarvelComics #ComicBooks #NewWarriors #PencilsDown #Comics #DiamondComics #Manga #NewWarriorsComic #Disney #SnowflakeAndSafespace。

  1. When a company lends billions and then the week after lends even more, that tells you all you need to know. Either they have no clue how bad it is, or they are utterly incompetent in their plans to deal with the situation. In both cases it is the beginning of the end.

    The question is when will they try sell all their major assets? I say try because anyone who might be interested in buying is in the same boat… It's bye-bye Disney, it's going the same way as Hanna-Barbera.

  2. I really don't think that marvel will fully shutdown the comic publishing part of the company. Kevin Feige is now in charge of all things Marvel and that includes their comic. If anything Marvel might stop like printing their own comics under marvel entertainment and just move all publishing and printing to Disney's other publishing company Disney Publishing Worldwide and them they would use their partnership with Hachette Book Group to distribute the comics because Disney already has a Disney comic section of their publishing arm. So they may downsize Marvel comics and maybe move it to a different deviation of the company but I don't think marvel comics are going anywhere and marvel studios once they get up and going again has the money to bank roll practically everything Marvel entertainment does. Marvel comics has survived in the pass with bankruptcies and other problems and if they can weather almost going under in  December 27, 1996 and still come out of it they can survive this also. Marvel is a massive American icon being around since 1939 when it was first called Timely Comics. Disney is also a massive American icon weathering everything the world throw at it since 1923. So I absolutely hate your one-sidedness to every video you have done and your surface level research. These companies have been to hell and back and they rose to the top of the world so this isn't anything new for them. Disney stock is up at the moment surpassing Netflix at the moment. so in conclusion I believe marvel comics will stick around in some form or another and get put under the bigger Disney Publishing arm and distribute their own comics and not have to relay on Diamond to do it when they can do it themselves. well their at it they should by DC Comics and they can build on those heroes popularity. It would be really cool to see a movie with a good justice league team up with the avengers in a massive cross over event. But I really do feel that your videos are massively bias and one-sided with little to no deep research and man would I love to be on your show just to grill you and give my side that is just a little more optimistic and less groom and doom. Sure comic are not as popular as they once where but they do have a very dedicated fan base that like paper copies and I can tell you I hate digital comics and manga. I have a massive manga collection and I have quit a few out of print ones that are worth money and lots of it when you add them up. So what I am saying is that dedicated fans are out their and they want comics so marvel comics may get smaller and never be as big and they might wrap up and stop publishing some titles or move under a different Disney owned company but I don't think they will completely go away. Why would Disney even want to out source the marvel charters when they spent billions to buy the rights back for the movies and the comics Disney does outsource still have the Disney comic name on them and they have the final say on most of their IPs that they outsource. I feel that there is still a very good DAMN reason to still publish comics. Tokyo pop sucks and the OEM ( original English Manga) suck balls it isn't nearly as good as the true manga from Japan and even them the stupid "woke" people that properly don't even read manga or comics have to push their views on everyone else that don't care. If anything "woke" people are what is destroying comics and even anime.

  3. Hopefully Disney will go into bankruptcy and be broken up as it should. I hope many other of these giant conglomerates will do the same. Why? Because apparently we haven't learned our lesson from 2008. Being too big to fail is not a good thing. Secondly now that much of the entertainment industry is in shambles hopefully the need for profit will make them rethink much of this SJW nonsense they keep pushing in there products.

  4. I'm sad to see the industry explode and catch on fire, but i'm not sorry to see the asshat woke turd sandwiches that caused this be kicked to the curb. My only hope is that they all end up broke and homeless with zero job prospects in any entertainment industry. Maybe they can be good at making coffee at starbucks.

  5. Thanks man…What is it about "Redheaded Step Child" that people like to make fun of? I'm technically a Redheaded Step Child & I take offense to that…I feel like calling in "Safe Space" to protect me! Oh wait…He's on hiatus right now because "The New Warriors" are shut down right now (& hopefully won't be back)!

  6. Did you know Bob Chapek's son – BRIAN is employed by Marvel — Disney was required to reveal this and his salary – $211,000 — on the S.E.C. filing with the appointment of Bob Chapek to CEO. —- the full 8K SEC filing is available to ANYONE free — as it is required by Disney — it's in the beginning section 5.02 — https://otp.tools.investis.com/clients/us/the_walt_disney_company/SEC/sec-show.aspx?Type=html&FilingId=13950255&CIK=0001744489&Index=10000

  7. G0d please, PLEASE, please let former-Marvel die. End it.
    I am sick of it. From the late 80's full swing intro into the speculators bubble, from Quesada's huckster two-faced b.s., from the SJW bigotry and variant cover gimmicks -"Marvel" needs to go, they have no interest in caring about current fans, or trying to enter other forms of sequential art and marketing to enter new markets, as you cannot expect to gain new kinds of readers, and have them enter a "comic book shop", its like asking a dog or cat owner to enter a gold fish store.

    End it.

    We need Local Talent to fill the vacuum.

  8. Evderyone rags on Snowflake and Safespace, when the over look the best joke, Screentime. Guy gets his power from internet gas his uncle invented…obviously his uncle isn't the sharpest inventor or he would realize there is no gas in the internet…unless you can face time a burp or skype farts? So Fartskype super power is he has access to all the information on the internet and can relay that infor to other…so you siri?

  9. Tokyo Pop is still around? That company bought into puroresu when they partnered with Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling back into the early 2000s. They released compilations of old wrestling matches with English commentary and "Americanized" names and storylines. Yeah, it sucked!

  10. So Disney took off your names, replaced them with someone else, and tried to trademark your brands and content? Why I hate corporations.

  11. You may lough at me but "Woke Warriors" will be huge financial success; there is reason why millionaire such as Kibel Smith is writing this comic; he will buy every single issue and then Marvel proclaim that "Woke Warriors" is bestseller just to spite "incels" and to debunk "go woke, go broke". People say that this happened with "Cap Marvel " – that Disney bought tickets – and this time it will happen for sure, mark my words and see how "Woke Warriors" will become number one comics in America !

  12. Kneon, I'm in the mean period of my manic-depression. After the antics of the ass-hats at Marvel Comics, GOOD! And at this point, WHO CARES?! We're all hurting, and I'm finding it VERY difficult to scrounge up any sympathy for today's comics "creators." Hope it spills over to TV, too. Vagrant Queen sucks, and I've heard She-Hulk is adapting her autobiography for Disney-! No, wait! 'Sympathy,' found it! It's right here, in the dictionary, between 'shit' and 'syphilis!' I know I'm crazy, so it's said that I'm sane. These people think they're perfect, so that means they're bat-crap lunatics!

  13. So many workers are losing their jobs because of this blatant WOKE SJW (hate propaganda) push. In a physical war, innocents lose their lives. In a cultural war, innocents lose their livelihoods. Disney would rather destroy fictional icons as their agenda tools over having a thriving business.

  14. I wouldn't mind a return of Ameri-Manga but the whole 'issue' with that isn't so much an issue with market flooding but whether the companies that try to go for that keep up their ends with creators. That's one of the issues that happened with Tokyo Pop when they tried their own branch for American creators; they fucked them up. Books had AWFUL shelf-space if they had them at all (in a lot of stores, you couldn't even find 90% of what TP had printed out from their American/Western creators), they were being published at awful rates between books and when it folded up, a lot of series were left unfinished. I started reading Brandon Grahm's King City vis Tokyo Pop but when they pulled the line, I had to wait a few years to find the full collection not by Tokyo Pop who, by this time, were starting to make a comeback but via IMAGE of all things. Gramh can be considered one of the lucky ones since he was able to continue his comic via Image but a lot of other people were just dropped and it was because of TP's management issues and them taking on more than they could handle.

    Granted, we were getting Ameri-Manga even before Tokyo Pop tried their own in-house titles. Slave Labor Graphics, Oni Press, ect didn't take issues with people wanting to make more manga inspired books so it will continue but it should be noted all of this was going on before the shit happened in the big houses. This was before everything got political, this was before people acted like there had never been non-White male creators and this was before the massive black listing that so many 'pros' have jumped onto doing. This was back when American graphic novels were still a niche but boy were they a hell of a lot of fun to read, to draw inspiration from and just to have.

    If there is anything that is going to save American comics, it might be the return to the independent presses. Mainstream comics had always been there are the INSPIRATION point and it was great to see the big houses with the small ones but things went south when the big houses were picked up by companies who don't understand comics and given to the power of people who don't LIKE comics. A lot of people can agree that none of this shit would have happened if Disney had some sense to bring in people who understood comics or at the very least ANIMATION to be in charge but they didn't. They put people who only care about looking good on Twitter to be in charge and we we have seen….

    Yeah, you reap what you sow.

  15. I'm old. Been reading comics , since the age of 5. I'm 50 years old now. This is why I hate new comics. Comics back when, had good stories and good art. Comics now are AWFUL!!!

  16. I think Disney's going to have to go belly-up before the people in charge will admit that they made some really stupid decisions even then now will probably blame it all on covid 19

  17. Disney do not make money off comics the best way to get rid of it to let it go broke and keep cancelling comics they only want to make the cartoons movies and TV comic books do not make moneyno more hell even comic book vs. Light novel and manga from Japan made way more money comic books do not it's a dying

  18. Tokyopop 2.0 is gonna happen a lot sooner rather than later. With this push to put western SJW sensibilities into anime and manga, you know that people like G. Willow Wilson will take the opportunity to spread her propaganda into the medium. And when that happens, entertainment will truly die.

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