



  1. Would be awesome if there』s more people and you can kill rat dealers. Cops should have more AI awareness. The way you package drugs could be adjusted and putting hits on people if they get popular, other rival drug dealers. People could try to kill you at your house if you』re not careful on the deep web . It』s a great game I got my wife addicted to it same day release on demo then I got the game for her same day! And for me too. Really fuckin fun!

  2. Things they need to add in the next updates.
    1. More drugs. I think Painkillers, Anti-Depressants, Psychedelics would be cool since most of the drugs are stimulants.
    2. Labs where you can Hire Lab workers to make and cut drugs for you.
    3. Grow your own weed. It was in the original trailer but not in the game yet.
    4. Smoke your own weed. Also in the original trailer but not in the game yet.
    5. Bribe Cops. I think it would be a cool feature.
    6. Fight cops. Melee, guns.
    7. Undercover cops. It would be a cool twist.
    8. DEA raids. Also in the original trailer but not the game yet.
    9. Purchasable security for properties. This would be cool for labs and DEA raids if they came a long.
    10. You can currently cut drugs like cocaine with washing powder. I think it would be cool if you could buy the ingredients from the gas station and make it yourself, not having to rely on the cartel and going into debt.

    That is all, but these are what would make the game a lot better.
    EDIT: Rumors are Weed Growing will be added next week. Not confirmed but some creators are saying this.

  3. Who would have thought that in 2020 kids would be playing a game where you can be an absolute lowlife drug dealer, just like the homies in da hood. It will be one of those games you beat one time and it gets boring.

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