WENDY |官方預告片 [HD] | FOX探照燈

彼得·潘(Peter Pan)的經典故事在《野獸的南方》(BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD)導演本·齊特林(Benh Zeitlin)的一部破布史詩中被瘋狂地重新想像。溫迪迷失在一個古老的島嶼上,那裡的老化和時間已經消失了,溫迪必須為拯救自己的家人,她的自由和年輕的歡樂精神而奮鬥,以擺脫成長的致命危險。


導演:Benh Zeitlin

撰寫者:Benh Zeitlin&Eliza Zeitlin

製作人:貝基·格魯普辛斯基(Becky Glupczynski),丹·詹維(Dan Janvey),保羅·梅茲(Paul Mezey),喬什·潘(Josh Penn)


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WENDY |官方預告片 [HD] | FOX探照燈

  1. HUGE fan of the book and movies here,
    I thinks this looks VERY interesting. I'm assuming a realistic and more grounded take on the Neverland island?
    Either way i'm definitely giving this a watch. It looks nostalgic.

  2. Peter Pan is an elf like character. He shouldn』t be black. I may vomit if he and Wendy have a romantic relationship in this.

  3. Another morron who do a movie about a Walt Disney and spitt on the original novel. HAVE THE BALLS TO CREATE YOUR OWN STORIES YOU LIVE ON THE SUCCESS OF OTHERS YOU PARASITE

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