
為了跟上Leg Arms的步伐,好萊塢決定對噴槍進行一些不錯的升級!將甲板延伸4英尺,並在流線型3英寸系統中鋪設管道,將提高效率和產能。如果這意味著出色的噴淋招標,那麼700美元的軟管,配件和熨斗可以走很長一段路!


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  1. Another great video… definitely reminds me of my days on the farm! Guess that's what has had me hooked to this channel for years, nostalgia! Thanks for all the work y'all put into the videos to provide us with great entertainment. God bless..

  2. Question : consider getting 2 solar panels, locate them evenly between all your equipment and and run battery maintainers chargers and hoorah ! No more battery issues .. A cheap panel can be bought 8 inch by 5 inch. Can be bought for pennies for each piece of equipment.. And keeps batteries ready for work ,, just a thought from a retired old fart. Hahahahhahh

  3. Love you guys but buy some batterries and pull them in the winter and put them on trickle charge all hooked in parallel. On charger for all. No more jumping.

  4. There is about 6 other youtubers that I follow that have gotten side by sides/UTVs so it's not a guess. They all go for the double seat 4 door that can go into a longer bed. Not sure what it is about this year but it seems like everyone has to have one. The year of the UTV.

  5. Why don』t you put quick plugs on those jumper cable? Save the battery terminals and wouldn』t even have to open the hood

  6. This fall have the Big Bud pin striped by a pro. It deserves the full treatment. I am guessing that you are bringing home a cool UTV. Can't wait to see. Love the show. I always learn a lot.

  7. I can't wait to see that trailer full of water and going down the road. Good job on what you built. Have you considered leaving the tank over the axles and what you fabricated on the back for something else, like pumps or something else. Good job Hollywood.

  8. NICE, We had a spray trailer similar to yours Nick but I would add, with the wood floor of the trailer I would nail either 2x's or 4x's around the 2 big tanks in case the straps break then your tanks wont shift or slide.And we had a spot for each tote of chemicals with 2x's lagged or nailed into the floor of the trailer, cuz you never know about the straps breaking or coming loose its a cheap insurance option cuz you have
    Plenty of wood out back. I would say your getting a planter or a drill, does it have to do with farming ??

  9. As much jump starting as you guys do have you looked into a power outlet/quick disconnect on the front of the truck so you only have to hook up one set? The truck side would just be a plug. Just a time savings suggestion.

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