貝爾保存:Mark-Paul Gosselaar反應重新啟動拖車(獨家)

ET的尼舍爾·特納(Nischelle Turner)與馬克·保羅·戈斯拉爾(Mark-Paul Gosselaar)在有關「混合式」賽季結局的視頻聊天中進行了交談,他對預告片的反應是重新啟動了「被鈴鐺拯救」。戈斯拉爾還透露,他沒有有機會在生產關閉之前跳回Zack Morris,但他為不必再次染髮而感到興奮! 。

  1. people will hate them for not including lisa and screech. Totally turned their back on their old friends, they will be held accountable by the fans

  2. Loved it growing up but after seeing how they treated Lark/Lisa is beyond disgusting. To go on camera smiling and seeing cash signs is bs. Wanna do some good how about educate and advocate for mental illness.

  3. Entertainment Tonight should have the humility to put celebrities asside for a while until the covid-19 crisis is over! They should focus on the brave men and women (essential workers) that are maintaining our society alive and well instead!

  4. I hope the cast from sister series Good Morning Ms Bliss and the cast of the spinoff series SBTB The New Class ate open to making guest stints on a recurring basis and plus Max Battimo aka Michael Mikey Gonzales and Heather Hopper aka Nicole Nikki Coleman Haley Mills aka Ms. Bliss and Lark Voorhies aka Lisa Marie Turtle and Dustin Diamond aka Samuel Screech Powers should do guest stints on a recurring basis.

  5. I think people should just calm the fuck down of not having Lisa and screech on the show. They could appear next season if they get renewed. Like Shit we』re lucky that Zack and Kelly are coming back. Enjoy the little things people, don』t be greedy.

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