

根據一個真實的故事並在印度的某個地點拍攝,這些故事中的最少部分很好地說明了愛,希望和寬恕克服仇恨的力量。阿內什·丹尼爾(Aneesh Daniel)執導的影片由斯蒂芬·鮑德溫(Stephen Baldwin),莎莉·里格比(Shari Rigby)和寶萊塢明星沙曼·喬希(Sharman Joshi)執導,電影原聲帶包括邁克爾·W·史密斯(Michael W. Smith),妮可·C·穆倫(Nicole C Mullen)和托比·麥克(Toby Mac)等屢獲殊榮的音樂藝術家。 。

  1. But it seems like there is no theatre showing this movie in Nagpur. I checked Book My Show but it does not even show the name of this movie in the section "Now Showing". What does this mean? Why hasn't the movie come into theatres?

    1. Infants dashed to pieces Isaiah 13:11–18
    2. Kill man, woman, child, and infant 1 Samuel 15:2–3
    3. Infants put to the sword 1 Samuel 22:19
    4. Infants faint in the street Lamentations 2:1–11
    5. Starve the infants and children Lamentations 4:4
    6. Infants dashed in pieces Nahum 3:10
    7. Little children dashed in pieces Hosea 13:16
    8. Kill all the little boys (but not the virgin girls) Numbers 31:17
    9. Destroy children and parents together Jeremiah 13:14
    10. Kill your whole family: children, wife, brother Deuteronomy 13:6–11
    11. You will eat your children Deuteronomy 28:53
    12. 「Parents shall eat their children」 Ezekiel 5:8–10
    13. Eat the flesh of sons and daughters Jeremiah 19:3–9
    14. Utterly destroy children Deuteronomy 3:3–6
    15. At God』s command, Moses killed all the children Deuteronomy 2:31–34
    16. Children attacked by bears for teasing God』s prophet 2 Kings 2:23–24
    17. God kills all firstborn children Exodus 12:29
    18. Your children will become orphans Exodus 22:24
    19. 「I will slay the fruit of their womb」 Hosea 9:11–16
    20. Kill all the little children Ezekiel 9:4–6
    21. 「Wild beasts shall rob you of your children」 Leviticus 26:21–22
    21. Bathsheba』s innocent child killed
    2 Samuel 12:13–18
    22. Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock! Psalm 137:8–9.

  3. So are parents allowed to convert their newborn children away from their nonbeliefs of religion or is anyone who exists in a ancestry of a certain religion bound to that for eternity? I've heard about this but it's not explained very well. Can someone help me more understand?

  4. Conversation in lure of money is still going on… I see numerous cases and videos everyday…
    Such things will happen if you feed slow poison in the society…
    Jihadis are far better than missionary mafia… That's why missionaries are slowly getting kicked away from USA and Canada

  5. I'd rather see a movie about the missionary who illegally went to the island of and indigenous Indian tribe and got himself killed after several close calls

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