身為Google Stadia遊戲玩家的生活

*未由Google Stadia贊助**我們採訪了Eddie Preston在Google遊戲流媒體服務Stadia方面的經歷。

感謝Jordan Fringe的聲音-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJKE87wqkVvbP2hUJcAKJNw

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  1. Never seen such a bullshit. 130$ is a very good price, the chromecast ultra separately costs 70$, Stadia controller 70$, three months membership 30$. That would be 170$. And with the premiere edition you get a buddy pass. I don't know how fast your internet is, but I in Germany, a county that is well known for slow internet, I can play stadia without any problems. On the standard Xbox One games like Destiny 2 struggle to hold 30 fps and textures and co look like crap. With Stadia I can play Destiny with 4k@60fps. When you play on mobile you can use also other controllers like the ps4 controller and you can use the controller wirelessly. On chrome browser you can also use ps4, Xbox One, Stadia controller and even mouse and keyboard. When it comes to latency I didn't noticed any difference to consoles. The PC is sometimes a little bit faster, but that is a very very small bit. The loading times in games are noticable faster than on consoles. I know you guys want to be funny, but stadia is a good alternative to consoles, as I think. You already see that all the big games like Watch Dogs Legion, the Division 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Destiny 2, Metro Exodus, Borderlands 3, Doom Eternal, the Crew 2, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and much more launch on Stadia. The prices for games are similar to consoles.

  2. You should do one on Audible next. Pay $14.95 a month for the "opportunity" to buy audio books. Plus, 3 FREE books a month!

    ……………for $14.95 you get 3 free books?
    …………………..for "$14.95" you get 3 "FREE" books?
    …………………………………for """""""$14.95"""""""" you get 3 """""""FREE"""""""" books?

    At what point does the finger start pointing at the consumer for being so stupid?

  3. Love the disclaimer that this wasn't sponsored by Stadia XD Can't imagine why they wouldn't sponsor it though, as this is probably the most positive coverage they've had in months.

  4. most of these points are now invalid as they:
    have exclusives
    have more support for more phones
    isn't laggy and is overexaggerated in the video
    is this supposed to be a joke?
    like obviously the interview part is fake but is the gameplay fake?

  5. I am sick and tired of people crapping on Stadia. Stadia is the best invention for gaming since Pong. It will revolutionized the industry. I am happy with my stadia purchase and I wish I paid more for it.

    :waiting on google check in the mail:

  6. This is funny but I want stadia to do well. No offense but pretty sure my wifi can handle it. And some of those joke are outdated. Made me laugh when his buddy pass buddy unfriended him

  7. You edited it.
    You nailed it
    It didn't suck.

    Nice sketch. Not overly negative but witty.
    i wanted to have Stadia but something felt not right and i didn't take that leap of faith…mainly because i am more into VR games rather than flat pancake games. i can't play with controller or kepboard but only motion controllers make sense right now.
    Hoping services like Stadia will rise to aid in helping me play Half Life Alyx with better graphics

  8. You are funny to bad due to covid – everybody home, even loading basic webpages has troubles with many isps, especially at peak times. Starting 4k game streaming in a world of crap internet/wifis users was ambitions and stupid at the same time. They should have stick to fullhd for like a 2yrs long public beta.
    Its the future of gaming not the present mate , will take 3 yrs to get the 1st party games out.

  9. Stadia is not even bad, especially sincr they made the first two months of Pro free. I mean I'll probably get tired of it in 2 months anyway, so theres really no point in disliking this service.

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