普勞夫:特朗普的冠狀病毒失敗將在他的政治墓碑上11小時| MSNBC

前奧巴馬競選經理戴維·普勞夫(David Plouffe)加入,闡明了他認為特朗普完全無法控制冠狀病毒大流行的說法。於04/14/2020播出。

MSNBC提供重大新聞,對政治頭條的深入分析以及評論和見多識廣的觀點。在Rachel Maddow表演,《早晨的喬》,《每日見面會》,與Ari Melber的節拍,《 Deadline:White House with Nicolle Wallace》,《 Hardball》,《 All In,Last Word》,《 11th Hour》等影片中查找視頻片段和片段。


普勞夫:特朗普的冠狀病毒失敗將在他的政治墓碑上11小時| MSNBC。

  1. Trump can "do no right" to the leftists – finding fault in everything. Propaganda mouth piece for the enemies of our country I think. A president, Democrat or Republican, is only as good as the people around him. Trump and his team have done a good or better job than anyone could have. There are plenty of Democrats and members of the mainstream media who criticized Trump when he issued travel bans and took other preemptive actions, including Joe Biden who called him a xenophobe. Who looks stupid now?

  2. Yeah MSNBC trash. I believe this was and created for the United States. To distract us from the corruption Trump was exposing. We will learn the truth. We need to still pursue all the corrupted Obama bidens Clinton's and all the other corrupted ones that we know with facts and evidence of their corruption, and be brought to justice, this is why I believe the virus was unleashed. We have best doctors, and even after Trump closed boarders, which the left disagreed with, we still have one of the highest rated of infection than other countries that don't really have the resources to combat Corona. Think about it , sick the virus on the globe, to get peoples minds off all the exposed corrupted offials that sold our country out for own agendas. We the people will never forget and pursue.

  3. I see the Russians are concentrating on MSNBC now that the election is heaving into view………….Hi Igor, Oleg, Sasha and the rest ?

  4. The division is killing this 「united」 country. Funny to see how half of the population is so biased against each other while China launches a bio, media attack and soon Physical attack against US. It is about the chaos time.

  5. A few suggestions as to how you could improve your ratings MSNBC. Stop posting ridiculous YouTube videos like this, stop calling everyone in the US who has some common sense a tin foil hat wearer, and as hard as it may be for you, try to say one good thing that President Trump has done for our nation just once a month. Can you see? It's easy. Just put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking cross the floor. Just put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking out the door. Well, you'll soon be walking out the door and strait into bankruptcy court anyway.

  6. He couldn't see the top where President Trump sleeps at night if he had a 100 ft ladder and he is critiquing? Laughable. MSNBC is a joke.

  7. Coronavirus will read on the tombstones of the lying biased news stations more so than trump. Sad what has happened to reporting in the last few decades.

  8. shame on you people all you EVER do is attack our president! he does a lot of hard work and on top of it has to deal with you a-holes in the media non stop 24/7. name me ONE person who could do better than the work Trump does everyday…

  9. Trump always said he would put America first. Well thanks to him the USA has the highest number of deaths from the coronavirus. Trump must be soo proud. It is almost as if he hates America.

  10. It』s mind bowing to see white Americans taking sides against their own well being and side with China. Let』s not ever forget who is behind this Bacteriological attack for political reasons.
    Is not what Trump said or didn』t say, what matters here is who is responsible, quit trying to divert the attention from what is important.

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