


冠狀病毒資源指南:查閱我們新的《冠狀病毒資源指南》,以獲取有關COVID-19對人體的作用,在某些表面上存活的時間,保持健康的提示等信息。 https://bit.ly/2y8a3Os

周一美國的死亡人數為1,509,比前一天下降了48。根據約翰·霍普金斯大學(Johns Hopkins University)的數據,星期五的收費高峰達到了2,000多個。特朗普聲稱他在何時放寬限制方面擁有「全部」權力,並承諾任命一個工作組來向他提出建議,其中包括「非常出色的醫生」,商人和其他人士。

»《今日美國》通過屢獲殊榮的新聞,圖片,視頻和VR,提供當前本地和國家新聞,體育,娛樂,金融,技術等信息。 。

  1. The data being used to generate the lethality rate of coronavirus (with which one can become infected) and COVID-19 (the actual disease which may or may not occur if one actually has the coronavirus) is highly unreliable. First of all, the CDC on their website writes concerning the "sequences" they are relying on to indicate the presence of the coronavirus that "every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the sequence, but CDC cannot provide ANY WARRANT regarding their accuracy." (emp. mine).


    Second, Steven Schwarz, the director of the Division of Vital Statistics, sent out a directive stating that one should report CV-19 as the cause of death if either it DID cause the death OR is ASSUMED to have caused the death. He then adds that if the person ALSO had COPD, asthma, etc., that should be reported IN PART II. (Why just 'Part II') The "assumption" clause introduces a healthy dose of arbitrariness into a stew already brewing with a test that the CDC refuses to endorse.


    It gets worse. Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell has testified that while running an ICU at Maimonides dedicated exclusively to the WORST cases of CV-19 he has not seen even ONE case where CV-19 is conjoined to pneumonia. Instead, he has seen something like altitude sickness (from people who have been nowhere near a mountain recently!). The upshot: the medical community the whole world over has been told that CV-19 CAUSES pneumonia. Hence, if someone happens to test positive (even falsely, as it may be reasonably inferred, will happen quite often with a test of uncertain accuracy) AND has pneumonia or influenza AND dies . . . well, then that will go down in history as a death caused by CV-19.


    Bad test + giving license to subjective assumptions + total misunderstanding of whatever the disease is = throw out the numbers & redo them on the basis of correct information and responsible reporting rules.


    Just in: deaths from pneumonia, heart attack, and stroke are ALL down from December through March. Give yourself one guess why . . .

  2. #COVID-19

    First analysis:

    In Surah An-Nahl, Verse: 69 of the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says:
    (69): ثم كلي من كل الثمرات فاسلكي سبل ربك ذللا يخرج من بطونها شراب مختلف ألوانه فيه شفاء للناس إن في ذلك لآية لقوم يتفكرون
    Then eat of all kinds of fruits, and walk in the paths of your Lord open. Drinks are produced in different colors from their stomachs (honey). In it there is a cure for the disease. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who reflect.

    Here, in a part of verse 69, Allah Almighty says: "In it (honey) there is a cure for the disease. Surely, in this there are signs for a thinking community." Here is the cure for the disease. He did not specify or say a disease. Accordingly, the cure for all diseases has been explained. And here it is called "for people." Not it just the Muslims. Then from this verse of the Quran we can determine a remedy for the corona virus. That is: "Honey"

    Second analysis:

    Book: Sunnah ibn Majah / Chapter: 25 / Treatment, Hadith no: 3447

    باب الحبة السوداء حدثنا محمد بن رمح, ومحمد بن الحارث المصريان, قالا حدثنا الليث بن سعد, عن عقيل, عن ابن شهاب, أخبرني أبو سلمة بن عبد الرحمن, وسعيد بن المسيب, أن أبا هريرة, أخبرهما أنه, سمع رسول الله صلى الله The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
    Narrated from Abu Hurairah. He heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: All diseases are cured except death in Black Seed. As-sam means death, Habbatus-saoda means "Black Seed".

    In this hadeeth our Prophet (peace be upon him) mentions an element which cures all diseases except death.

    Two sources are very important for Muslims. One is the Holy Quran and the other is Sahih Hadith. Any other source outside of this is not our consideration. From these two sources we came to know two elements that are acceptable or acceptable to all (Muslim and non-Muslim). Then we can determine another remedy for the Corona virus from the hadith. That is: "Black Seed"

  3. Some should kidnap Donald Trump's sons, cut their stomachs open, rip out their kidneys, liver and instines and send them to him in a garbage bag.

  4. America's challenge , is in concentrating , by giving jobs , to the people of American region only .
    Send back all , foreign guys , espicially in , Information Technology and Media sectors , and stop out sourcing . Maximise the use of Artificial Intelligence.
    And other Automation also to compete in any production.
    America's slow down , is danger to world *
    Government should have
    Strict control on , online private marketers , who may ,stir , govt machinery , which is the entrance like bacterias , to enter .
    Hope the best .
    Cheers .

  5. Don't worry friend, Jesus Christ will keep safe & Heal You. Repend and accept him as your personal savior. He is the only Way to HEAVEN. He will Lead, Protect & Bless You All. ?stay safe? ?

  6. I believe God's Word all the more ! God stopped ? travel. Proverbs saids, bread eatten in secret is sweet, but afterwards a man's ? shall be filled with gravel. God is against child sex trafficing. Let the dead bury the dead. God is a defender of the weak.

  7. shit will never be the same after this… it will probably take years for people to become unconditioned to avoiding human contact lol (not referring to the assholes that bluntly refuse fo SD) also showed our asses to all the other countries and they are all looking at us with even more hate than before… the US is the most hated country

  8. EE. Arrogante coronavitus UU. Conocer en WUHAN CHINA Empezo en alláLas familias coronavirus: AbueloPàpa Wuhan china solo C EE.UU.tiene ABCDE Hijo1°caso JAPON viniendo EE.UU.1°caso ITALIA viniendo EE.UU.1°caso Argenina viniendo Italia. En EE.UU 2019 hay muchas personas mueren por virus y ellos no se saben si mueren por coronavirus porque prueba de coronavirus necesita autorización de FBI,por lo tanto las causas de muerte se atribuyen a la gripe común.

  9. Something true that needs to be said and is really scary when you stop to think about it:

    The President of the United States doesn't understand what's going on right now.

    And the fact is, he can't understand—he's not equipped for it.

    And therefore, he won't understand.

  10. Why haven't anyone commenting on HOW TF DOES INDIA HAVE NO REPORTED COVID CASES YET?????
    2nd most populous country and probly d poorest and most crowded and yet I can't see any case from India on those world reports

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