亞歷克斯·瓊斯(Alex Jones)向喬發過有關冠狀病毒的簡訊

取自Joe Rogan體驗#1457 w / Tim Dillon:

  1. The only reason that the Oligarchs would allow the US to scuttle its economy and the world economy isn't because of some virus that could kill 100k people worldwide like it supposedly has. The full kills as many as 700k people worldwide each flu season.
    So whatever it is must have a bigger impact on their bottom line than the economy and that one thing is the US currency. The US has been printing money out of thin air for a long time and transferring the inflation from that counterfeiting around the world via the Petrodollar and the US dollar as the worlds reserve currency.
    Central banks around the world have been eliminating their holding of US dollars because of the inflation attached to the dollar. Russia recently stopped selling oil in US dollars which equals a 12% loss of market revenue for the dollar on all oil sales.
    Thats a huge deal!
    Other countries will be embolden to leave the oppressive weight of the US dollar if Russia is allowed to do its own thing and sale Russian oil priced in Euros.
    In fact, the Euro has been attacking the Petrodollar since its inception.
    It's the reason that Saddam Hussien temporarily left the dollar and started selling his country's oil in Euros which triggered the 2nd golf war.
    This is a game of Chicken. If Russia doesn't return to selling in US dollars then the US will sit on its economy and kill oil demand while their Saudi puppets continue to keep oil production high during the weakest demand period of the year which is winter and spring.
    Higher oil supply was one way of attacking Russian oil since Russia can not sell below $25/barrel and make a profit.
    Oil dropped from $25/brl just a few weeks ago to $18/brl on Friday. With demand dropping through the floor, the Russian military which is dependent on Russian oil sales will starve to death.
    Oligarchs dont like economic recessions/depressions because of weak economic times Breeds regime change. So the world's oligarchs will be pushing hard on Russia to return to the dollar.
    If Russia never returns then the US gets hit with skyrocketing inflation brought on by huge interest rate jumps followed by a very likely default in our debt payments which would lead to the collapse of our currency.
    No Bueno!

  2. I actually have the corona virus. Mine was in my chest a little bit the big problem for me is my stomach and GI tract. I』ve been nauseated and a bunch of diarrhea for two weeks and lost my sense of taste/smell.

  3. Fauchi was doing research on Coronavirus or experiments I should say then discontinued it here and moved it to China. You CANNOT get CoVid from a bat. Look at who the DiJ busted. I think that's why China is saying it was the US military and we are saying Wuhan. The wet market was a seafood market. There are facts out there


  4. Joe Not going to Bullshit, and try to say something interesting hoping I grab your attention for A LIKE OR REPLH ON MY COMMENT! IF YOU CAN Please LIKE OR REPLY I WOULD APPRECIATE IT. HUGE FAN!! Keep up the awesome interviews! Stay safe.

  5. Joe doesn』t have Alex Jones on nearly enough. I』m not even a huge Alex Jones fan, but man is he entertaining!! I can』t stomach Info Wars and he needs a wrangler like Joe to keep him on topic and explain the crazy things he says better. But man, he should be on JRE at least twice a year, at least. Easily one of the top three must enter guests of all-time.

  6. https://youtu.be/HqvgyfhDHu8
    Buckcherry indeed.
    Those first three albums were ?, and this tune made being a senior in 『99 a lot more fun.
    I like rawness of this live version.
    Went to CD source and they had headphone stations for new albums and BCs debut, track 1 hit my ears—hot damn I wanted bumps of coke.
    …but all we had was swigs of Hot Damn! ?

  7. Can someone enlighten me on "antibodies"? Say you got Covid once, what does immunity actually mean? It must take a little bit for the antibodies to delete all the virus'? Antibodies are an internal thing, right? So although you might be immune to said virus, you could still potentially carry it around via surface contact, correct?

  8. "We've never been in a time where no one knows"… What do you think AIDS was like?? It was almost exactly like this (minus the quarantine). Virus's have been mutating and evolving like this for a freakin millenia!! Why are you guys acting like THAT is a new thing?! This goes to show American priviledge… Because we have sooo many vaccines, we have just been protected for so long… Nature always figures out a way to balance life, we've just been stepping in the way of by our medical advances… Not everything is a freaking conspiracy, guys… ?

  9. Great job guys. Hard hitting, factual commentary…..wtf. How about aliens dropped it off to cleanse the planet? How about the Russian govt made it to keep protesters off the streets while Putin grabbed more power. If every theory carries equal weight, then you just feed into the hysteria. Really fucking responsible of you. How about you stop being a fucking opinion factory and wait for actual facts to come out before you just throw random shit at a wall and make guesses as to which one sticks.

  10. NYC never has Chinese visitors?
    Sounds like a bunch of rascals taking advantage of the level of illiteracy over a 'techno' sort of thing that is arcane and only knowledgeable by those with the know how. Such it continue to be in this information war humans are in the midst of today.

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