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更多合輯:Anna Zak Money Honey Musical.lys:https://youtu.be/UaW_IOUEJXI Loren Gray:https://youtu.be/Jcv5JZvQeew Annie Leblanc:https://youtu.be/80ekv36G-6U …. …………………………………………… ……………………………………………希望你們喜歡它…別忘了喜歡,評論,分享和訂閱! 。

  1. can someone help me find a specific tiktok?
    it goes like this:
    a boy and a girl are obnoxiously taking pictures on this expensive car which they don't own,
    then this second, new girl walks up and keeps watching them, at some point she puts her elbow on the little scooter,
    the first girl sees and goes over to her and (i think) slaps her elbow away, saying its her scooter and its rude and all.
    than the second girl goes on to push the guy of the car, steps into the car and drives off.

  2. "Como ganhar o tik tok?"
    1- baixe o tik tok
    2- clique em "eu" e em seguida na moeda no canto superior esquerdo
    3- coloque esse código 227410581 e comece ganhando $1.10

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