
暗黑破壞神2重裝第三幕鎮的粉絲; 《暗黑破壞神1》預告片由粉絲重新製作;暗黑破壞神3補丁2.6.9發布日期;英勇的防作弊行為引起關注; Crysis Remaster確認並預告片;半條命Alyx沒有VR Mod;居民4重製版發行日期; Journey Steam發布日期;新的Steam Controller泄漏; ESRB更新了戰利品盒的等級。

半條命Alyx mod:02:57

《孤島危機》修復的預告片預告片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = ZqBP3kXi9jM&feature = youtu.be
半條命Alyx mod:https://www.nexusmods.com/halflifealyx/mods/1






re Patreon獎勵:https://www.patreon.com/rhykker


執行製片人:Jim Udune,spudboyboy999,Paradigm400,Kiskaloo,MohEternal,Monito

特別鳴謝:Matthew Feiteira,綽號,russiandood,Joshua Dotson,maianashira,Maurice Lepenat,Joshua Ralph,Brian Grygla,Recremorcen,Remiehneppo,Neme5i5,TepidTurtle,瑞典Lamer,SmokinWookie,Telionis,MONGAS INCga,Terry Lee,Merrys Inc.,Terry Lee ,情人Judnich,托尼·杜蘭(Tony Duran)


  1. As a head network administrator for companies and more. That is in charge of extremely important stuff. That's an "H.F.N." Everyone! Don't even touch Valorant with your computers don't even get curious about it. Right now China is full-on unleashing mode right now. Now that it has access to the free markets in the world. China's companies and their subsidiaries not to be trusted and to be watched like a hawk. This isn't conspiracy, propaganda, or political bias. This is a deadly fact. Right now the hot spot for network intrusion is coming from; China, Indonesia, Bolivia, Iran, and North Korea. These are the main centers of people being paid to crack systems and would use it every advantage to get through. It's not a matter if they can get in. It's when they get in. If you can spend 12 hours on a video game they can do the same at their computers.

  2. in regards of anti-cheats… whenever I see a game say "you need to install this before playing" and I read over what it does (I.E. Battle Eye) "Requires access to large parts of your system" I pretty much go full conspiracy theorist on it even though they also say "we're not interested in personal information"

    Simply put… what better way to gather such personal information like passwords, photos, and other such stuff that you'd rather not get out into the world than with a program that says you must install it to play the game and claim that it is only after cheaters and not personal information. I simply decline installing such programs because… 1: I'm not a cheater (and if I do cheat in a game it is probably because I've played the game a lot and have beaten it over 30 or so times and with different imposed challenge modes as well) 2: I have personal information I'd rather not get flashed around the world on a neon sign. 3: I just don't trust some people, companies, or otherwise at their word alone.

  3. Why is this necessary? Oh, I dunno maybe because FPS games are the most hacked games and people are dicks. Just a hunch.

    Why should we trust Riot? Why should you trust your bank or your government with your money and personal information, but you do.

    Is attempting to stop cheaters so important that it's worth that level of risk? Yes because they are protecting their assets. They've invested a lot of time and resources into creating this game, they want to make sure that it stays around for years to come with the big hopes that it has a large competitive scene for Esports which will bank them lots of money

    if you don't like it don't play it, it's that simple folk's.

  4. I don't want to think what would happen if every major company decided to make their own personal anticheat driver. Can you imagine 17 different programs running permanently in the background doing theoretically nothing, but still capable of stealing all your stuff without you even knowing?

    I believe this measure is going to help hackers much more than end users.

  5. Is anyone paying attention that China gave the entire world a physical virus and, is now set up to hand a huge chunk of the planet a virtual one?……. No thnx to Valorant.

  6. why should we allow the government to record our phone conversations? Oh its just to catch terrorists? ok then… But what if my religion is named a terrorist org? Am I paranoid or has a religious organization still in existence today commit genocide? Ever hear of Waldensian massacre? or St Bartholomew's massacre?
    anyways my point is to learn from history. Don't give up freedoms for safety because it will be used against you eventually.
    Tea party being targeted by the IRS? learn from history folks. boycott the game and the problem goes away.

  7. Thank you for the news about the anti-cheat! I will NEVER buy a game that does anything like that. Also, now that I know that company is willing (and shamelessly) puts its customers at risk, I wont be buying ANYTHING they produce.

  8. If Riot is using an anti-cheat that is that intrusive simply don't buy and play any games that use that anti-cheat. Simple.

  9. Speaking from experience the riot situation shouldn't be too bad, i stoped playing lol exactly because my acc got haked and dare I say im glad cuz that game is bullshit 😀

  10. Magic the Gathering had a "gambling" regulation applied year's ago because of an "ante" mechanic that was the core of the "Trading game method", I hate lootboxes personally, but look, you want to pour your money into a "slot machine" fine.

  11. EDIT: I think I may have mis understood some things there, leaving my comment up tho – because I am human and make errors. I am not afraid of making mistakes. As long as proper eventuates.

    We can remove it at any time? Mr Sir Mastah Rhykker can you place a detailed worded guide on how please – it's non consensual however it may be in the EULA. I would like to know my rights and possibilities around it. Also thank you so much for S20 GUIDES!!!! I love my sader and I went condemn ak build and using valor on the side (as I seem to run out of ak champ, about 10 secs off. I think I missed a breakpoint)

    Has good one kind sir and keep the vids coming, you are pretty much the most decent summary youtuber on D3

  12. D3 patch date:
    Funny how Brandy had led us by our noses for years saying PTR, patch and seasonal start dates were not final yet – and now it turns out everything is set in stone months before. Classy.

  13. Remastered, remastered, remastered.

    Are these devs completely incapable of entertaining and developing an original idea? Capcom is doing RE4:remastered. An entire series of remastered games. It's pathetic and embarrassing.

  14. Valorant looks like shit anyways, that being visually and gameplay. The gameplay and shooting mechanics looks like something before CS1.6.

  15. My cousin posted that mouse and keyboard mod of half life Alyx which I made and no more update on it I'm playing Warcraft 3 replacer Folk Tale which should be an FU to Blizzard

  16. loot boxes should impart an 18+ rating. esrb is shit tho so it ain't gonna happen anytime soon.
    Valorant; you said it yourself 2 days into the beta hacked. Anti-cheat sounds a lot like a virus to me & it's just a matter of time before the foreign entity (10c) loses control of it's virus to some other foreign entity (black or grey hat would be most likely)

  17. I'd assume that since Valorant is at it's beta/non-official/soft release stage, the people who are testing/playing it are actually tech-savvy people and not your average "first-dibs" bloggers from IGN or Kotaku or wherever.

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