iOS 14和AirPods 3-主要功能泄漏!

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知識共享-歸因3.0(未歸類)-CC BY 3.0

曲目:令人愉快— Vishmak和JayJen [Audio Library Release]
Audio Library Plus提供的音樂

知識共享-歸因3.0(未歸類)-CC BY 3.0


  1. Hope you guys are all staying safe! These are our last 2 days at the office and then, we would all be fully working from home, for the next few weeks / months. Won't be easy, but definitely something that we have to do! Video quality might drop in the meantime, but I hope you guys understand!

    Also – the iPad keyboard and Trackpad support have both been officially unveiled today, just a few hours ago. No need to wait for iOS 14 for those! ?

  2. You were right using "beefed up" instead of "buffed up". Beefed up means to make more or to make better. You can actually use either, but "beefed up" is used more often. 🙂

  3. Please Drop the Steve Jobs shtick, he was an actual genius…. he was not talking about tech products created by others, just too cringe ?

  4. How I wish an upcoming iOS (iOSPad) update would include the ability to highlight an app in it』s folder (album) when you do a search, so we would be able to show where the app is located – So simple a solution to an old problem to me who has pages of albums.

  5. Fitness App: We'll have to see what information that sends to whom. 12:04 "amazing" suggesting actions? Why on earth would we want that. I find extremely annoying when an OS gets into my way. The less the better. Anyway, I know what action I want to perform… why should a machine suggest it???

  6. For me, having more options in the Apple "ecosystem" is only, and only positive. I'd never switch to a different platform, because I like iOS. That needs to stay great. Options, however, are essential too. Many Apple apps are sadly lacking in functionality or accuracy (e.g. Maps, Safari). So, the only thing that would indeed incline me to switch would be lack of alternatives to Apple-apps.

  7. I'd really like to see Apple releasing repairable AirPods. I've been interested in them for a while but I'm forbidding myself to purchase a pair simply because they're not repairable whether it is by us customers or even by Apple themselves. I mean, I don't like the idea that I could be spending 179$ on a product that's going to last only two years at best (I'm talking battery life here) and that's not even going to be repairable whatsoever without destroying it. I don't have any interest in purchasing a disposable device that's going to end up in a landfill.

  8. If they are really looking forward for entry level AirPods, then I guess it would be included in the box in future.
    Cause I believe they are getting closer to remove the lightning connector as well going wireless and cordless into the future. Can』t say but yes it』s a good idea.

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