新經典鬼皮膚操作員DLC泄漏| MW2重新製作的多人遊戲單獨下載說明

新經典鬼皮膚操作員DLC泄漏| MW2重新製作的多人遊戲單獨下載說明

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  1. Ronins bundle has 10 items too but one is missing because the one item is his finisher so the new ghost bundle 10th item is a new finisher because every bundle for operators has their own finisher and the 11th item which is not listed on the site it will be the tier skips

  2. Woah, so Activision officially has plans to make THREE more Modern Warfares?!? AND mw3 remastered?!? Whoa I never thought about them connecting this MW to Infinite Warfare or Ghosts. That would actually be really cool especially if we end up seeing more connections to those other games. For example: featuring or even getting to play as Elias Walker (Logan's dad) in one of the future MW2019 sequels. Ghosts takes place around 2027 so if MW2019 takes place around 2020 then it would be very interesting to see how they connect the story's together they could maybe end up connecting the new Imran Zakhaev and Al Asad to the Federation from Ghosts and have Simon "Ghost" Riley Starting the "Ghosts" group that Ghosts focuses on, maybe even having him training Rorke. Sorry if I'm rambling but I just think that connecting all these games could be a very good idea! Keep up the videos DK!!

  3. When everything is taking the place of where zombies chronicles 2 should be smh..warzone,mw2campaignR and now MW2RMultiplayer come on man ….no excuses from activision this is such a bad move

  4. @dkdynamite you』ve got my sub if you can make sure to let us know when it』s official if it will or does have skill based match making. Regardless of noob tools etc that is the thing that will determine if I buy the multiplayer or not. No fun with SBMM. Can』t have one good game and you always have to work your ass off.

  5. Mw2 was such a big part of my childhood, There not being any proper information about Mw2MP remastered is annoying when theres been so much proof from data mining and insider info that it will come! i just want to see the Mp trailer drop right now and hopefully give my chills down my spine once again

  6. Who TF cares if they balance things as long as they get there money and were happy with the changes they don't need to change anything?

  7. Haven』t watch the video yet but I got a theory. The ghost skin isn』t $20 dollars, the mw2 multiplayer remastered add on for the campaign is 20 dollars and you get a free ghost skin for mw2019 as an operator. That would make so much sense.

  8. I love how the minute Shepherd shoots you, his head became a pineapple. ?

    Hope you』re having a great day Dk! ?
    Also all y』all in the comment section! ?

  9. If it was one or the other, I』d rather have supply drops than modern warfare 2019 mechanics in modern warfare 2 remastered. Of course I don』t want any one of those but if I had to chose one that would be my decision

  10. The MW2R campaign was finished in 2018 as stated in the trailer for it, and the multiplayer was started to be worked after campaign was finished, and that's why they help back the release. I think that they are going to make the multiplayer have sliding and basically be like MW 2019 and have the same MW2 maps that will be in MW 2019 just on a different engine.

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