增強薩滿!!! 8.3增強薩滿指南

增強薩滿就在這裡,《 8.3增強薩滿》指南將涵蓋您需要的所有內容,包括特質,本質,腐敗,增強薩滿旋轉,小飾品和官方8.3增強薩滿人才:)對於大多數玩它的人來說,這是一個愛情故事它在遊戲的各個方面都可以表現得非常好。增強薩滿神話外加遊戲玩法既快速又流暢,您可以肯定以8.3增強薩滿dps佔主導地位:)雖然不在頂級混戰中,但增強薩滿8.3突襲性能仍可以與許多其他規格媲美,因此請務必仔細閱讀並觀看直到結束為止的增強薩滿8.3指南,因為它一定會讓您踏上正確的軌道,並幫助您更好地了解如何玩增強薩滿!繼續關注MarcelianOnline,以獲取更多8.3 bfa哇類指南:)



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  1. I』m gonna have to disagree with you on the second talent spot, totem mastery is a better choice, increasing the damage of storm strike by 10% doing the same for lava lash and then generating 1 maelstrom a second and finally increasing the chance for wind fury to activate by 2% and the range on the totems is 40 yds

  2. All I'm going to say, if you want those "high" ratings easy, just pick ANY leather class. My 420 Monk alt, 1800 rating, My Warrior barely scraping by with a 1500….. My Main, a shaman….. 800 and still trying at 476.

  3. Damn. Everyone keeps claiming "this and that" are the ONLY options for shamans Enh/Ele otherwise. When I play ele I can double my damage compared to others, as for this spec I keep hearing the 10% damage is better for rotations and the fact Ascendance rocks arenas for a timed burst but… I just think with "corruption", pick reusing your ele and wolves since they can proc stars, Twilight and Mindflay on their own (70% of your dps in endgame BFA) -_-

  4. I'd like to add that on single target rotation (if you are also rocking FoA) its better to Crash Lighting most of the times than using lava lash to bait Stormbringer procs. Lava lash cost is very high and its damage is really Low so if you are hungry on Maelstorm and want to keep on stormstriking I suggest using Crash Lighting to bait Stormbringer procs and if u do still have high maelstorm THEN lava lash . Ideally you never want to cast lava lash with this build , Great guide spread the love!

  5. I've been playing Enh since WoD, it's a great spec, suits my playstyle. It could do with a bit more survivability maybe 1 more base defensive cd. We had a talent that made one of our defensive CDs heal us for a % of the damage we did, that we would be nice to have back. Bitless RNG and a bit more sustained DPS apart from the spec is fast-paced, great raid utility, decent heals(while they last) bit spammy but interactive and capable of crazy damage when the RNG gods give you back to back SS.

  6. I haven't played in a month or so, and I generally agree with the build there, however I do not think lightning shield is all that great. Either of the other two talents work better, hot hand with at least 2 primal primer stacks can pump 100K crits for free…which frees up some options for your essences. Lightning shield is good if you know you're going to be hit a lot, but because enhance is squishy you probably don't want to be taking a lot of melee dmg.

    I prefer to run conflict & strife as the major because it grants access to a very underrated and underused ability – thundercharge. What people don't seem to know about thundercharge is that it REDUCES ALL CDS BY 30% AND IT STACKS WITH HEROISM. I am more PvP centric, and I love to pop ascendance, heroism, thundercharge then spam 1 windstrick per GCD for nearly the entire duration of ascendance. It is fun in arena (if you don't die before popping those CDs) because you can erase just about anyone in seconds. Thundercharge also buffs a friendly target.

    I strongly disagree with the thunderan fury recommendation. It is crap. It rarely procs, and the slight buff to SS damage doesn't make it worth taking over natural harmony which usually shares a ring with it.

    Lastly, about stats, you can bias haste or whatever stat you want by choosing proc-based traits, and then stack crit/vers on gear.

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