
觀看克里斯採訪馬特·泰比(Matt Taibbi)的2分鐘跟蹤器,了解冠狀病毒為何加劇了我們所生活的「不公平」經濟:https://www.peakprosperity.com/the-unfairness-economy-matt-taibbi-chris -馬丁森/


昨天的視頻進入了病毒對肺部的損害。 covid-19也傷害心臟,腎臟,神經和循環系統,腸子和肝臟,這一點也越來越清楚。












https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/coronavirus-destroys-lungs-but-doctors-are-finding-its-damage-in-kidneys-hearts-and-elsewhere/2020/04/14/7ff71ee0-7db1- 11ea-a3ee-13e1ae0a3571_story.html









  1. Flash! The Sky Isn't Falling! The "CASE CASE CLUSTER CLUSTER BOOM!!" never occurred. Too bad for this scare monger, but good for America and the world. Now we just have to get back to work. Class dismissed.

  2. Scariest thing about this virus is that it seems to have cured influenza, heart attacks, and strokes.
    Also it has enriched hospitals to the tune of $39k per patient. As long as the doctor thinks the patient has covid.
    No diagnostic required.
    What a country…??

  3. I am starting to think that this virus does not exist… I think after some research that 5G network system is destroying our Lungs…depriving Oxygen in our body. please Google the roll out dates in your region. China oct 2019, Montreal Jan 2020, New york March 2020.. roll the dice… what is that possiblity, check out those dates… spread the word.

  4. I think there are two types of immunoassay tests along with RT-PCR. The US screwed the pooch on all of these. Maybe we should outsource the CDC and FDA to S. Korea and fire them all.

  5. By now it should be evident that the true goal is to destroy economies and introduce a Chinese communist style snitch mentality and social life. Well bravo, it has been achieved by the fear mongers.

  6. 10:05 "would've expected the rate to have gone down"! Well that's what happens when the reporting standard gets changed like it did in the middle of the game. The CDC and NY officials changed the way deaths were recorded!!

  7. They estimate now that the number of people who have or had this thing and it didn't affect them could be 80% higher than the ones we know of. On a side note MIT did an interesting study on wastewater and found a trace amount of the virus conducive to roughly double the known cases at the time.

  8. Once again 5 minutes in this is just wrong. The models WERE NOT based on "if we did nothing" they were based on absolutely full mitigation, more so than all the states actually did. They were based on full mitigation in every State. They said that numerous times

  9. I think you should order by deaths per 1 million population to account for countries that aren't testing until people are near death's door. If you order by cases per million then it just makes the countires that are testing the most look the worst which is the opposite of what we want.

  10. Some scientists, main stream media believe that SARS virus could have naturally mutated to COVID-19. Scientists donot believe in miracles but if SARS viruses could have mutated into COVID-19 incorporating both genome of HIV and malaria into itself within few years, this is absolute miracle. Evolution is the change of gene pool or characteristics of a species over several generations/billions of years.

  11. no peet ther is a diferent curant apropash (about the testing that is) the aproch is alf yes alf courantly thers les fear for corona thers more couriosaty about if its a houks an what is behind the virus what is it hyding momenteraly my consurns ar the sky wy is ther more activaty divalaping momentaraly if u ar couriouse about the virus it wil probably take over the compleat dna system an turn that virus yes it wil probably turn dna to virus reson ? questionable rumar goos its abel to live on mobile internet network witsh wuld make it abol to digitise dna yes digitise dna posibal reson digitisin life on the planit to use as camovlage by houm or what ? extraterastreal practicly shure ( me mental patiant alreddy acmidded as reson wy wel just read id agean

  12. Hello Chris, you may not see this because this video is already a few days old Dr. Campbell in the UK mentioned a term I'd never heard before, seroconversion, while reading about that I came upon the statement below.
    The physical structure of an antibody allows it to bind to a specific antigen to form a complex. Because of this binding, if the amounts of antigen and antibody in the blood are equal, each molecule will be in a complex and be undetectable by standard techniques. The antibody or antigen is only detectable in the blood when there is more of one than the other. I immediately thought about the info you had put out about the low antibody levels in some recovered people.
    If this is correct do you think that pretty equal levels of the antigen and antibodies in some people might explain the lack of normal antibody levels in some recovered people that has been reported?
    Thank You for all the info you've been researching and then telling the world about.

  13. @ Chris Martensen HELLOOOO….I was on board in believing it was a JUST A VIRULENT VIRUS killing people & I』m a Nurse….」NO, IT』S THE 5G TOWERS!」 I』ve done the data studies on the cities they put up the towers in & other countries cities & 「THE ONES THAT HAVE 5G TECHNOLOGY TOWERS & ARE THE CITIES WITH MOST INFECTED & HIGH DEATHS RATES & ADDITIONAL WEIRD SYMPTOMS!」 PEOPLE…DO THE MATH &!INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF….that』s why we are seeing expanded symptoms ALL OF A SUDDEN WITH THIS VIRUS…5G Technology is causing a lowered immune system response & other health issues & then increases your chance to catch the VIRUS! ALSO the FALSE/POSITIVE IS OCCURRING BECAUSE YOU HAD A FLU SHOT & TEST PICKS UP ANY CORONA VIRUS!!! ?‍♀️ OPEN YOUR ? AND USE YOUR GOD GIVEN ?!!! 5G IS THE KILLER!!!! YOU』RE A SMART GUY CHRIS…GATHER THE DATA LIKE I DID & LOOK AT IT…YOU』LL HAVE AN EPIPHANY.

  14. COVID-19 has never been isolated in a lab. The PCR test to supposed to test if you have COVID-19 cannot test for a specific virus, only that you have general viral activity which most people have if you have been fighting any kind of illness. Plus, on top of that the PCR test has documented 80% false positives because most people who are tested have viral activity.

  15. Maybe the death rate is increased because of the amount of virus, or "viral load", that enters the body when exposure happens. If one person is infected and shops in a store, then they may leave (as a guess) 1 million virus particles all over the place in the store, but if 20 infected people are in a store shopping in the store then there would be 20 million viral particles all over the place. For example, if I got infected from shopping in the store two months ago, I may have picked up 100 viral particles, but if I shopped in a store a week ago, I maybe have picked up 2,000 viral particles. It only makes sense that the more people there are that have it, the more virus particles there are all around and thus the viral load a person acquires when exposed would be more. Also, I guess the first people that caught it was because they touched something, and later on as the disease has spread, or spreads, the mode of infection is more direct in droplet form from saliva. This makes since because if I am in a store and one person is in the store and they are infected, then I may catch it because I touched something they touched, because I was never even close to them and this would be a small viral load. But, if I am in a store and there are 20 infected people in the store, well I touched what 20 people touched, plus I am standing close to 4 of the 20 in the check out line coughing and spit coming out of their mouth s they talk, etc etc, so I got a big viral load.

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