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  1. Hello! God bless you! You are important to God, he loves you with eternal love. God sent Jesus to die on that cross so that today we could be saved. Only Jesus can fill our hearts with that peace that the things of this world cannot give us. A heart that wants to change God will not reject it.

    Acts 3

    19 Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; so that times of refreshment may come from the presence of the Lord,

    ~ Only by receiving Jesus Christ in your heart can you be saved, tell God to forgive your sins and recognize that Christ is the savior and you will have salvation.

    ~ In Jesus Christ we can find rest for our souls, seek God in prayer and you will be able to feel it.

    ~ There is no situation in which God cannot work, God can work in these moments, have faith, trust and keep going ♡

  2. I have not seen this video. But the fact is that the video topic is distressing enough for me to watch it. I am sure it will lead to nightmares for the faint hearted. I literally do not have courage to watch it.

  3. God bless all of the healthcare workers and first responders on the front lines. Seeing all of this is absolutely heartbreaking. I know many people who work in hospitals, not even ICU, and they are working with Covid-19 patients. One of them was going into Covid rooms with nothing but a mask on. This whole situation is heartbreaking. Please, stay home! And instead of hurting our healthcare workers, support them! God bless everyone, and stay safe!

  4. I hope everyone without the safety of decent homes are well taken care of. I hope we can all learn from this morally, whether we see this though or not.

    Be safe & love life.?

  5. Another report just to scare you. The whole world has gone nuts over this ridiculous, virus nonsense. Mass media has over-exaggerated this thing to the point where people and governments have become "DUMB" and unable to use simple logic and common sense to see how impossible and implausible this is. Absurdly portraying anyone with a common cold or seasonal flu as having a coronavirus and (possibly) dying, is what we see from the mainstream news to make you keep watching like zombies every day. Along with the fact that over millions of years, nothing like this has ever happened or proven plausible. The plague, yellow fever, etc, all were isolated to certain areas and NEVER required complete madness such as shutting down the world. Telling us to avoid other humans all over the world. When has that ever happened in world history? And we believe and are doing it like idiots! The media is turning our brains to mush with the daily over-exaggerated, unfounded claims of thousands of unknown, nameless people dying and daily pictures of people in ridiculous laboratory suits with huge gloves and masks to scare you and keep you watching like zombies. All while making millions in profits, which makes them create an even more ridiculous report the next day to scare you even more. And China creates the hysteria, then earns billions selling medical products to solve the hysteria! Think about that…

    We have become " stupid", putting all of our beliefs in money-grubbing sensationalized media, Hollywood-like scenarios, and governments who blindly follow this stuff and take away your human freedoms. We are living in a world prison hellhole now because of a virus that is no more harmful to the body (and even the lungs) than the normal flu.

  6. Health care workers deserve not only our gratitude, but also a good salary! They are out there, caring for our loved ones. A debt that we can't ever repay.

    I thank all health care workers, no matter where you are now.
    Stay safe.

  7. #GODTIP FOR CORONA VIRUS OR ANY KIND OF A DISEASE – stop eating non-veg food / stop making pollution (any kind of). Look how calm and peacefull our globe is right now, animals are free from human devour & fin happy (for some time I guess), atmosphere is so great, people are now actually using there so called BRAINS (forced by nature to or would still be on auto pilot). SO WE HUMANS WHO ARE SO MUCH ADVANCED IN TERMS OR EVERYTHING THEN ANY OTHER SPECIES ON THIS PLANET HAVE THE GREATEST RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE CARE OF IT. IMPLEMENT NOW. #CIRCULATETHISTIP

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