如何免費下載Revit 2021!


Revit 2021的新功能:https://youtu.be/mx105GcsxJc




附加標籤:下載,安裝,建築,家庭,結構,梁,柱,梁系統,光,家庭,家庭編輯器,路燈,Revit,建築,房屋,參考平面,詳細信息線,地板,BIM,建築信息模型。建築,屋頂,按元素屋頂,按擠壓屋頂,如何在Revit中建模屋頂,Revit City,Revit 2018,Revit Turorials,Revit 2017,Revit Autodesk,Revit Architecture 2017,Revit Array,渲染,AutoCAD,如何建模Revit,學習Revit,Revit Biginner教程,Revit初學者教程,Revit MEP,Revit Structure。

  1. Dude, first of all Congratulations, your teaching is great and your classes have already helped me a lot to get to know Revit better.

    Can you help me? I would like to know how much an intermediate to advanced Revit designer earns in an Architecture office?

  2. When I try to download the Revit 2021 it says: " installation completed. Some failed to install" and it shows that nothing is installed.. please help!!!

  3. Hi. Im totally new to revit and i have only used it for a few projects. I have found this to be extremely confusing at times but great at other times, your videos are of a great help to me. i have a few questions i was hoping you could clear up for me in your videos. in one of my projects i have a topo surface created which i wish to edit. How ever when i edit the surface height it turns jet black and looks stupid. I have tried to find settings to adjust this but cannot figure out why it is doing this. it would be great if you could help me with this and do a video on the subject for others as there are none dealing with this problem. Also i had a curved surface on a curtain wall window with a concrete window head above. I wanted to shape the head of the curtain wall and found it extremely difficult to do this or find a video showing how to do this. it would be great if you could do a video on that also

  4. Hi balkan. can i ask about curtain wall ? how to add a Spandrel panel to cover up the inside of ceiling? which facing to curtain wall ?

  5. The question is does Autodesk add a stamp saying AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL like they do on autocad?? In the former versions of autocad we could remove this stamp but now no more

  6. Also, I can』t find additional furniture such as tables and chairs when I upload the extra materials. I can』t find the 「metric or imperial」 additional furniture in 2021. How can I solve that too?

  7. I downloaded the student version and am a student myself too. However, when I proceed to the activating stage, it says 「there』s an error…..」. How can I solve that ?

  8. hi bro .. thanks for your effort but i'd like to ask you regarding this message " something is preventing the software from launching Revit 2021 " please your advice! regards ..

  9. Slightly misleading title here… should add 'for students' to be honest. Many people here looking for free Revit are not students (and are probably trying to find pirate builds).

    It's importanr to also note that if you use student Revit for commercial work (and Autodesk catches you – possible) you are likely going to land in hot water. I know many people who have done this, it isn't worth the risk.

    Revit LT is probably the best (legal) avenue for non students these days looking for a cheap option. If you can't make your money back on it, probably something wrong with the business….!

  10. In an upcoming beginner tutorial, can you cover the massing & site in-place mass feature in depth? Explaining all of the simple tools, then gradually demonstrating how to use them to construct simple masses, and how to create some complex masses (i.e. an example of a form that Zaha Hadid usually employs, and an example of one that Daniel Libeskind employs using complex geometrical forms).

    My tutors encourage me to use programmes like Rhino for the massing task in order to achieve my desired shape, and although I should do so I think it's still worthwhile sticking to Revit to achieve the desired forms, even if it is slightly more difficult.

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