讓我們來看看一些FAKE PS5遊戲機!

玩家一直對PlayStation 5本身的樣子感到好奇,現在粉絲們正在製作自己的遊戲!今天,讓我們看看一些偽造的Ps5設計,看看將來哪些可能是真實的!




PS5(或PlayStation 5)是下一代PlayStation,發布日期為2020年末,儘管Sony對其新遊戲機始終保持沉默,但我們還是首次看到了PS5 DualSense控制器。

考慮到新推出的遊戲手柄與它的外觀完全不同,索尼的PS5設計可以採用太空時代的黑白配色方案。這是我們最大的暗示,說明PlayStation 5控制台的外觀,控制器也可能暗示PS5的最終價格。

即將推出的DualSense將實際功能更改降至最低:控制器將具有觸覺反饋以及自適應L2和R2肩鍵。還有一個內置麥克風,因此您可以與必須戴耳機的朋友聊天(儘管索尼可能說您可能仍想使用耳機),然後Lightbar從頂部(PS4 DualShock 4上的位置)移到觸摸板的兩側。

值得慶幸的是,控制器中沒有嵌入LED-LCD觸摸屏,就像一些PS5泄漏所預料的那樣。這使得索尼打算使價格合理,可以與PS4的發行價格相提並論。我們可以。 。

  1. Hey this video is just for fun. If you are coming here for console war stuff I promise thats not what this is about lol. Much love and thanks for LIKING the video!

  2. I hope it looks just like the dev kit and not like the ps4. Dev kit reminds me of a console pre ps3/360 when they just decided to make them look like blue-ray players.

  3. It's not going to look like that, it will look different, if you actually think its going to look like last gen, your high because Sony has style and they are good at design.

  4. I don』t want the ps5 to look like a ps4 w lights and some extra plastic. I don』t really like any of these designs because of they look like the ps4. Yah they』re nice but I want my ps5 to stick out as a PS5 not a different looking ps4!

  5. So see the second pic , you say it looks silly , but yet the ps4 and pro are identical, only difference is the pro has one more layer . So yeah when you say it's silly , what you are saying is sony is silly with what they did with ps4 and pro

  6. Its funny how u like the concept design at 8 but hadnt seen the v shape design digital design has done that look better then any of these designs it at least looks like the dev kit

  7. You cant have the power of a juggernaut the speed of a jet plane with the body of a Dacia Sandero. The ps5 console will need to be either a tower or a refined ps5 dev kit. Heat generation and dispersion will define what the console will look like.

  8. when you're content getting stale and boring and running out of things to get views what would you do Yeah that's right start making videos on fake fan made things I mean I'm not trying to be a hater or anything but such people are killing the hype for next gen with running with the fake rumours and fake everything else I mean just be patient for next gen until they do a full reveal for fuck sake and get your hands on it and experience it for yourself than make videos if you do YouTube or something like that

  9. Dude, please stop making fun of yourself… you're an embarassment to the entire fucking gaming news industry, stop, please. You're a cringe fest of your own, don't you fucking realise no one takes you seriously ? Damn you're such a fucking fanboy even Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft banned you from their events… come the fuck on and leave it.

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