絕地武士:絕地學院-發射預告片-Nintendo Switch


《星球大戰絕地武士:絕地學院》今天在Nintendo Switch上發布!


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  1. Since Nintendo released this game for Switch that means Nintendo is trying to get Star Wars fans to buy the Switch the Jedi Knight games are good, but if you want Star Wars fans to buy the Switch you need Kotor and Force Unleashed.

  2. Are Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy on switch remastered in 1080P and 60FPS? I know on Xbox one the Jedi academy backwards compatible game is remastered to 1080P very beautifully is that the same case here?

  3. ??? Online multiplayer classic?? A student who learns from Luke Skywalker?? Wut?? Is the game in this trailer and the game I remember two different games or something? The Jedi Academy I remember playing years and years ago was a singleplayer game where you played as Jaden, who is a disciple (padawan) of Kyle Katarn, the protagonist of the prequel; Jedi Outcast. I'm really confused… :-/

  4. Just one word fellaz – Jedi Of Freedom (JoF) 😉 We still up and running and going strong! Join the biggest online community and check all the fun trials and missions we have for you!

  5. My issue is that you can't invite your friends to play with you. Modes are empty, and people are popping in and out of games. You can change team during the game to balance out the teams but a lot of times everyone chooses one side and one side has more players than the other. Like 3 vs 8 causes people to constantly dropping in and out of matches.

    The game is amazing but the lack of interface and constuction in balancing out teams is horrible. I understand it's an old game but if people can invite their friends they wouldn't feel like they want to drop out of a match.

    At least put in a server browser, so you and your friends can choose. Seriously, no server browser??

  6. Nooo, it needs a full modern remake/sequel from the ground up that expands on everything that made it so good to begin with . RPG freedoms, progression, character customization to really be your own new jedi in the star wars universe. Throw in some lessons from Mass Effect and maybe spice it with a bit of Bioware romance.

  7. Can someone describe how it even controls on a Switch? Do you hold down a trigger and choose a direction to slash in with the right stick?

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