勇敢的默認II-Nintendo Direct Mini 3.26.20-Nintendo Switch

在《勇敢的默認》 II中,四個新的光之英雄踏上了宏偉而光榮的使命。現在免費提供演示!

#BravelyDefaultII #BravelyDefault #NintendoSwitch

訂閱更多任天堂的樂趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

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  1. Adelle may be Ringabel's daughter pretending to be a simple mercenary. I don't even know if that makes sense, I just need to see a connection with the first and "second" game. I know that the sword of the brave is somewhere to be found.

  2. I think the brave and default concept in the battle system is super dumb. The graphical art style is somewhat cool, but the overall quality is low end because of the limitations of Nintendo switch. I'll stick to FF7 REMAKE on my ps4… thanks.

  3. So is no one talking about how Elvis looks completely different from the last trailer as much as I like his new design I was kind of getting used to is old design maybe they'll have it as an optional costume

  4. I wonder if the demo will pull a fast one on us like they did in the bravely second demo (Yes dev's, I STILL REMEMBER YOUR TRICKERY!!)

  5. The cities look like beautiful illustrations while wilderness looks like very cheap generic graphics with no sense of style , very bothersome
    Also the characters, faces, proportions and movement are odd ,wierd enough I liked the 3ds version more even though the graphic capability was more limited they were more like akihiko yoshida style

  6. So a playboy, a sassy fighter girl some princess and a 'normal guy' are looking for four crystals? I feel like I played this game before or is it a deja vu….

  7. ugh, I was willing to let slide the fact that they chose to use the same character model designs as the 3DS version, but seeing them in action makes me pretty bummed out. While the landscapes look gorgeous, the whole presentation as a whole (especially battles) feels like they decided to just straight up port a game from 3DS rather than take full advantage of what the switch is capable of.

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