
世界各地的科學家都在爭研發冠狀病毒疫苗。 Zeke Emanuel博士分享了疫苗背後的科學知識,並解釋了為什麼冠狀病毒會帶來獨特的挑戰。於04/13/2020播出。

MSNBC提供重大新聞,對政治頭條的深入分析以及評論和見多識廣的觀點。在Rachel Maddow表演,《早晨的喬》,《每日見面會》,與Ari Melber的節拍,《 Deadline:White House with Nicolle Wallace》,《 Hardball》,《 All In,Last Word》,《 11th Hour》等影片中查找視頻片段和片段。



  1. i am just really freaking curious how vaccines for humans was just so quickly ready for testing immediately after this virus emerged out of no where supposedly. There supposedly was never any cases prior to those in cchina late last year/early this year….. SO HOW WERE VACCINES READY TO GO? Little weird and convenient that Bill Gates/his foundation are involved in Wuhan Labs where they were "researching" the coronavirus believed to only reside in bats. Yet he also is heavily invested in the vaccine/pharmaceutical business. Also that he was a part of Event 201 which happened to be preparing for a (completely hypothetical) CORONA VIRUS that turned into a Global pandemic and shut down life itself until a vaccine gave the masses of sheeple security they so desired to go about their lives again.
    just little too convenient that all these coincidences just happened to all take place as predicted in the Event 201.

  2. thats absurb. cant wait that long people will die in hunger people here in philippines cant go outside also other people in diff countries. and its about to release next year? all people in different countries are dead for sure

  3. Imagine if a new covid 19 vaccine that was mandatory ..you couldn't get a job, banned from travel, you'd be banished from society.. you then give the government freedom to inject its citizens with whatever they wanted including nano tracking.. or more viruses so they can force even more vaccines on you for profits.. or even some delayed release disease that could be fatal… im not an anti vaxer but its completely different if they force a needle in you..people think that criminals dont exist in government.. there are plenty of elite people that wanna depopulate and or control the people dont be so naive.

  4. PLANNED Global Pandemic? Global economy is being crashed. New digital currencies for world and a vaccine with an an electronic way of tracking your every move and it also allows you to have access to your money and return to a "more normal" life. Without ID2020 you will remain unable to return to society. FORCED VACCINATIONS are here. This is not about the corona but instead is about a new digital currency and vaccines for all. ​shorturl.at/uwJ48 ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkT0uIUSdWs

  5. Bull! Comment as truthful as you can. Who has coronavirus? who knows someone with coronavirus? Who knows someone who sadly passed away from coronavirus?

    I don't have it. I've tested for it. I don't know one person who has it or even thinks that they have it. I don't know anyone who has passed away because of it.

  6. I don't know enough. Nobody knows all the aftereffects and the subtlties how it works. Just pieces of the puzzle.
    The latest bad news is the virus could be much worse than thought. Strong evidence that the virus invades Tcells similar to AIDS. Not clear if it inhabits T cells or just destroys T cells through the CD147 receptor. Also there is evidence the CD147 doorway allows the virus to enter red blood cells. And lingering after affects include increased heart attack rate for the recovered people even though they had little symptoms and liver function not returning to normal. Do not fall for herd immunity until we know the true extent of the illness.

    The biggest headwind against main street corporations is not supply and demand disruptions. It is the ruling elite determined to grab ownership of main street businesses. They will make sure main street is starved of money to get them through the credit crisis. They WANT main street to go bankrupt so they can buy it at distressed prices … using the money they were allowed to borrow from the FED. Notice how main street companies are not permitted to decide how the bailout money gets to main street (only the FED's friends)

  7. True cure = planted more trees & planted more flowers ! Called : that are your oxigen air healthy cure ! Better nature ! More bees for nature seeding !

  8. Vaccines = your immune sustems destroyer ! Vaccines = experts disorders of think they are god rescue everbody underlaying layer moneygrab greed ! Get awake dude !

  9. I don't understand why it takes so long to make a vaccine. If they have a test vaccine and it has not killed the test person. They should mass produce it and give it to everyone over 70 and two weeks latter over 60 etc. If you are passed breeding age there is no chance of passing any errors to the next gen

  10. Okay, a vaccine would be great, injecting someone with Coronavirus to see if their body will produce antibodies to overcome it is possible, but honestly…wouldn't it be easier to just repent to God, turn from all wickedness and pray to God for mercy. A virus that mutates, does it really have a cure?

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