

  1. Just another movie from Netflix (Obama) attempting to hold the outdated trope, that today, almost all people (Except the diverse and accepting left) are all racists and homophones. Give it up Barrack and Michael, decent, hard working people, know who you are, and we detest it!

  2. "What Hollywood does to people." Not quite. Hollywood gives those with preexisting proclivities the opportunity to act on them. Decadence isn't created in Hollywood, it's facilitated.

  3. Kolejny gówno film o rzeczach typowo pro lpg+ , jeśli wiecie o co mi chodzi. To jest już do znudzenia, temat którego większość ludzi nie trawi ale jest ciągnięty jak mantra w kółko i w kółko, aż się porzygamy tego typu ,, produkcjami''

  4. Netflix Hollywood trailer be honestly I never seen it I wish I could see it. But I really don't have direct tv but only regular tv show. Actually I really do like the character in this movie is fantastic an great ever I think it will be very interesting show has potential and positive and exciting show ever I really enjoyed it alot I really enjoyed every moment of it. I think the writer and producer artist storyline director and crew executive producer cast did a terrific job making this film did amazing job making this terrific show I like it.

  5. Omg, they got a wooden puppet to play a character, that's pretty novel.

    It's amazing how life-like they made the face look, pity they couldn't quite get any emotion out of it.

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