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  1. So yes this looks like a copy of zelda. Does that mean it's a bad game? No. I personally play each and every game for itself alone. I never base my opinion on if it's a copy or very similar to another game or if it's a sequel to something. Each game should be experienced and percieved as a singular experience first and regarded in relation to another game second. Like metroid other m. Most people hate it because it's way too different than any other game in the series. While it isnt great and could have been better, I actually enjoyed it for what it is. This game actually looks like it could be fun.

  2. The game looks fine and all, but what's up with this art style? Nothing wrong with it, but why do so many games use it?
    You'd think they would go the route of the anime (that don't copy the generic artstyle obviously) and make them look a bit more unique. Makes the whole presentation of the game look very lazy. And also because they seem to basically copy breath of the wild's gameplay, but I mind another botw.

  3. hmm, so the earthbound series is going to get spinoffs for the other elements besides earth, cant wait for waterbound and firebound

  4. Oh, so people lost their minds about that Chinese game whose environments looked a bit similar to BOTW, and threatened to destroy the developers, but this gets a pass.

    (Nothing bad against this game. If it wants to take inspiration it can do so as long as it does something unique as well.)

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