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Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA指南:

暗殺流氓8.3 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. Since Mythic plus has been so successful, I would bring back master looter for raids. I had an average ilvl over 460 before our guild even began progressing heroic and now my ilvl out gears mythic. I honestly only go to weekly raid night for a roll on manifesto on my main and gear for my alts on the other 11 bosses

  2. whatever you bring to bfa… it has been written to history as downfall of world of warcraft…we have at least 7 months for shadowlands.
    During the last blizcon they have said that, weekly mythic plus weekly chest loot system is frustrating, they said they hear our feedback . so they plan to change
    it for shadowlands with the new loot system. why not do it now ? rather than giving us BS legacy change? if you know the problem and plan to
    change it why let us suffer with the same fckn belt drop each week for another 7 motnhs?
    7 months more to do same dungeons,same turtle quest,same azerite grind ,essence -which we had been doing for more than 1 year. what a lost…
    legacy change what a hype ( i think devs are trying to say that we do still work for you and make changes to game) what a BS!

  3. That master looter idea was how it was for most of legion and the end of wod. They decided at the end of legion going into bfa to enforce personal loot all the time even on organized guild groups.

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