

Crunchyroll Collection為您帶來最新的片段,OP,以及您喜愛的動漫中的更多內容!沒有時間播放完整的情節,但想趕上最佳場面嗎?我們有他們!


  1. Wait so re: zero -frozen binds is coming out on may. What about season 2?? I get that frozen bonds is an origin between puck and Emilia but what about season 2!?

  2. Spoilers for LN:

    No seriously, you sure u want to read this?

    Last chance

    「Puck you won』t leave me right?」 I feel like this is building up to that certain moment in season 2 to make it hit as hard as possible.

  3. Que lento crunchy, todo el mundo ya vio la película y ustedes recién la publicaran. Así no se ganara a los ilegales ?. Btw, esta buena la peli, ver el inicio de Emilia y puck. Esperando la s2 ?✌?

  4. If you want to watch this anime, you better start your life from zero in another world. Why in this world it looks like this anime will never be released ?

  5. Just some guy with a moustache and just some guy without a moustache in the same comment section…..

    So an unstoppable force finally meets an immovable object

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