純傷害-浩劫惡魔獵手PvP-魔獸世界BFA 8.3


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#WoW #BFA #PvP。

  1. I love doing random BGs as a DH. We either stomp them with me WAAY ahead on damage or if we somehow lose I just call my teammates retarded and trash and tell them if they had as much damage as me we wouldve corpse camped them. Either way I never leave a BG disappointed. It's the best class to farm honor levels on. Already 190 honor level and if I farm this till the end of BfA I might actually get 500 honor mount.

  2. i heard the meta on tournament realm right now is stacking versatility corruption. i have a build on my dh now with 25% vers unbuffed from the 12% extra versatility from all sources corruption, combined with Surging Vitality corruption that procs 800 versatility when you take dmg, and it's uptime is like 90% when taking dmg the proc rate is insane, giving me nearly 40% passive versatility whenever i'm taking dmg in pvp. it is so nuts im bacically a tank but do ridiculous dmg at 470 ilvl. in 1v1 people can't even damage me lol, and it's only just the beginning of the build, can't imagine how silly it'll be when i get another versatility corruption. actually having a lot of fun with corruptions now that i have so many from visions to play with. this my dH if ur wondering she's not in versa build atm was trying Tendi build for a bit. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/frostmourne/shiragami

  3. Ok like I said before fuck Demon Hunters..but what I didn』t say before is I started gearing mine and I blame you Para! You fucking bastard..lol. Anyway hope all is well and the quarantine is ok your way. Just working outside and then wowing again night.

  4. DH needs a serious buff. Their damage and mobility need buffs. Blur needs to make them immune to everything for 20 seconds. When they fly up, they should be able to MOVE while fel lancing. Increase their leech by 100%! When they go metamorphosis, increase their damage and HP by 200% and grant immunity to CCs! Also fel rush should have no charges and no cooldowns, it should be spammable like shamans frost shock!! DH needs alot of work! Buff them blizzard! They are not in a good spot right now!

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