
特雷弗(Trevor)和比爾·蓋茨(Bill Gates)討論了冠狀病毒測試,加速疫苗開發以及世界如何反彈。 #DailyShow #TrevorNoah #BillGates





特雷弗·諾亞(Trevor Noah)和世界上最怪異的新聞團隊處理新聞,政治和流行文化中的重大新聞。

特雷弗·諾亞(Trevor Noah)的每日表演於周二晚上11點在喜劇中心(Comedy Central)播出。 。

  1. Easy to say that it will last 6 months or more and advising social distancing when you have 100 billion dollars in your account and least of your problem is surviving, not so easy for millions of people who their survival depends on the daily work

  2. Ironic, A show that throws it all out the window. Close that I feel a creeping draft.

    Remember those days you got the job and then had to figure it all out on your own. Hmm, Really? I hope everyone figures out this politically driven humorous media thing.

    How's that Windows virus thing going for you? Don't think Windows Defender works in the real world. Blah Blah Blah, Yikes!!

  3. Bill Gates is not a politician nor is he a Dr. Why is he allowed into any conversation, why is he helping 
    to fund vaccines? Why is his foundation on the patent for the coronavirus and subsequent mutations? He should be hung for treason.

  4. Where is the trillions of dollars at, and two billion dollars is ok to spend or waste. I am sure he and his rich community sleepes very well because the agenda to to depopulat, control and to push their vaccine on us for the new world order. I know the the new world order comment is a stretch, but don't wheel it out of the equation!!!

  5. Fuck Bill Gates…. he』s big into Eugenics…. his father was on the board of PLANNED PARENTHOOD.. HE wants you Vaccinated…. and is big into funding ID2020… Evil asshole

  6. If there really exist conspiracy of spreading covid-19 then its sure that they might not have thought that the develop nations will be affected so drastically. Now the actual game will begin….????…..The one who have spread the disease now must be ready to get out of this planet….????…..when the angel turns monster then their end is very near…..????….

  7. Ok , So i guess we should be" more like Chinam" Bill. I cant believe i'm hearing this shit!! WHAT THE FUCK MAKE SYOU THINK YOU CAN DICTATE THE OPENING OF MY ECONOMY ?!11 DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN , DO YOU SEE US DOWN HERE?! WHO IS THIS NERD?! WHY DOES HE FEEL THE NEED TO POISON YOUR CHILDREN LORD?!! help me pray for his swift and panful death.

  8. This guys /bil gate/ is one of the leader of iluminati/bafomonate/ ,he need more blood flood ,he prepare more satanic things with Fauci, he want insert michro chips to every one in the world then he simply decorate satan we keep and ignore this satan in the name of jesus.

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