
在一個充滿超級英雄的世界中,只有一個Gunslinger。史蒂芬·金(Stephen King)的史詩暢銷小說中有#DarkTowerMovie


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除了這些,還有其他世界。斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King)的《黑塔》(The Dark Tower)是全球最有名的作家之一的雄心勃勃而廣闊的故事,並在大銀幕上亮相。最後的槍手羅蘭·德斯鏈(Roland Deschain(Idris Elba))與沃爾特·奧迪姆(Walter O’Dim)陷入了永恆的戰鬥,後者也被稱為「黑衣人」(Matthew McConaughey),決心阻止他倒下擁有宇宙的黑暗塔。一起。隨著世界的命運stake可危,善與惡將在最終的戰鬥中發生衝突,因為只有羅蘭德才能從黑衣人中捍衛塔。 。

  1. Honest question for true fans of the novels: When you read the books, and envisioned the story playing out in your imagination like a Hollywood movie…..was THIS even remotely close to what you had in mind?

  2. The trailers made it look so much better than it was…

    Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 16% lol it's not THAT bad though! Anything with Matthew McConaughey should get an instant 50%!

  3. I have a very complex relationship with this film. As an adaptation of the books it's horrendous in every possible sense. As it's own interpretation of the books it's good in it's own right. And this is coming from a man who's read the entirety of The Dark Tower Series and I took this film for it's strengths and saw that it was a genuinely good film in it's own right. Nothing more nothing less.

  4. All of you whining about the main character being "not as described" are basically mad because he's black. Have balls enough to say it outright, if you're going to let your inner racist show online ?

  5. The way I always viewed this movie: If you are looking for a movie based directly from the books, then you'll be really disappointed. If you are looking for a story loosely based in the world of the books, but something new, you'd probably be okay with it. IE and MM did a great job. Some of my favorite actors.

  6. I don』t think people realize that this movie was about Spiritual Warfare. I feel like it』s a lot of sleep sheep in the comments. Lot of movies have hidden messages, but you have to be spiritual awoken to realize. ( Matrix )

    The kid in the movie was drawing prophecies that he envisioned. The skin people were demons.

    So pretty much the Devil was stealing kids and was feeding off of their light. Even the homeless people in the movie knew what was going on.

  7. They realized that it's impossible to turn 4250 pages into a 2 hour movie so they decided to just use a handful of snippets from the Dark Tower Universe and create a story around it. Similar to Star Wars Episode VII. There should be a TV show about the Dark Tower.

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