

由Derrick Broze研究,撰寫和敘述
由傑里米·馬丁(Jeremy Martin)製作和編輯







Popular Marketplace Where You Can Get NFT



意識抵抗網路是一個獨立的媒體組織,致力於通過教育,哲學,健康和社區組織來增強個人能力。我們致力於創造一個世界,在這個世界中,公司和國家權力不支配自由人的生活。 。

  1. Being silenced, ignored, and banned when talking about 5g? Cool. Join the world of every conservative getting banned just for being conservative
    Now you know how we feel

  2. no one needs this kind of EMF penetration , every square inch that you move will be mapped. not to mention some people are legitimately sensitive to it.

  3. The *literal* stage act the that these pathetic gov't FCC parasite-fuckwit-twatknobs display is so transparent it might as well be a fucking taunt (yes, I'm sick and fucking tired of not using expletives and ad hominem attacks after years and years of their FUCKING BULLSHIT MINDGAMES and *FUCKING BULLSHIT).
    Born to the wrong all-gods-have-damned-generation!
    Ajiit Pai is a fucking ghoul.
    Same with "Kharr" or whatever fellow.
    And yet, he shows his true face, as this is all he really does in his life besides private indulgence.
    I might be a psychopath but at least I have a soul! This guys doesn't have any code. At least I have a personal code that is logical, ethical, and moral, with the input of others present, past, and historical/long dead. Straight teeth always match up with the rest of the facade. People like Ajiit Pai are exactly what is wrong with our species. Fucking waste of flesh.
    These corporate shells of human beings…. Words have meaning, yet they abuse words so much. Scum of the Earth. Let these corporate shit-sticks suffer in their worthless unlives. Absolutely pathetic lack of principle.

  4. Ajit is totally a piece of shit but he is kinda funny at least for his age and ivory tower position. It might be funnier if it wasn't so sinister.

  5. Isn't it amazing how public officials make great efforts in media to appear approachable and reasonable and claim to represent the citizens interests, and then completely ignore and marginalize reasonable legitimate questions and concerns? That utter disregard and ignoring of your questions is the exact same reaction Ive witenessed in countless interviews of elites and wanna be elites , for instance the Bilderberg group members .These assholes are untouchable, unapproachable and unreasonable and are NOT representatives of our interests. this system needs to come down now.

  6. my home wireless shows two of my wireless connection. both with same name, except the second one has 5G added to it. I haven't upgraded nor paid for 5g. and we all know isps don't give away upgrades for free. so why does it appear I have 5G? I am able to sign into this second listed network labelled 5G as well.

  7. From the president down to your local mayor, they don't give a damn! As long as they get paid and keep their jobs. When will this country and the world wake up to the indisputable fact that our leaders will choose to lie about, manipulate, ignore and deny anything they must regardless of our feelings or health that big corporation tells them to. The Senate hearings they hold are a farce. Any study? Propaganda. They can NOT be trusted. History has shown time and again that we will be sacrificed at the alter of their cash God! Fight back!

  8. The guy who made this doco is a lunatic. 5G is a risk… but not as risky as derrick and his end of the world propaganda. avoid. do not share.

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