
查看Tommy Blinds:Mastermind的獨家獨家預覽,其中包括Tommy和幫派。 。

  1. Huh, I was wondering why I never heard of this until checking IGN. Then I see it's a tie in to a British Crime drama show. Interestin but looks kinda jank-ish?

  2. Can't lie, I'm not as excited as I want to be. I was hoping for a gritty and atmospheric game, maybe 3rd person, based between seasons (perhaps 2 and 3), playing as the characters, maybe varying in different acts/missions, or an RPG style, where you control your own gang member. and have a feature where you can operate busines and dealings, both legitimate and illicit. Open world in Birmingham and surrounding areas, maybe also include other areas from the show (like racecourses and/or Camden Town). There are loads of possibilities, but I feel there may be missed opportunities, but (other than being a fan of the show) who am I to judge, the game isn't out yet, perhaps it'll surprise us.

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