PS 5與Xbox Series X?誰贏? PS5控制器,規格和圖形!

看一下ps5及其新控制器。新的ps5控制器看起來非常像標準的xbox one控制器,我必須製作此視頻。我們看一下ps5 vs xbox series x,並看一下他們的控制器,規格,graphcis,硬碟,cpu,gpu以及更多內容,以幫助決定誰將贏得下一代遊戲機。


  1. I feel like ps5 built a console for next gen development with its 5gbps speed whereas XSX just built a beefed up last gen console. With the SSD that Sony built with 12 channels and 6 levels ofpriority, it』s going to allow devs to create games that won』t be playable on the Xbox because of how they rely on the SSD. I get that many 3rd parties may not build games with these optimizations in mind, but I predict that many more devs will want to develop games just for Sony and many PS5 exclusives will blow any 3rd party game out of the water. Thoughts on this?

  2. Hell no they do not need to remove the light bar the light bar is what lets us know when the controller is on or when it』s pairing they do not need to remove the light bar

  3. The left thumbstick placement is literally the only reason I'm not using a Playstation. If the bulk of ps4 games were d-pad driven I could understand but the majority of games use the analog stick much more than the d-pad. At least release an optional ergonomic controller like literally every console since the snes. Once that beautiful Sony left stick is where it makes ergonomic sence I'm all in for ps5 and ps6!

  4. PS3 won its generation by the end look at the sales numbers you can't just go by early sales and Switch is outselling Xbox despite that being more powerful 1st party and exclusive content matters way more than graphics to most.

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