
周四,紐約州的冠狀病毒住院治療激增了40%,這使得前線的醫生和護士擔心醫院開始擠滿他們的安全。緊急工作人員還說,他們的身體很瘦弱,感染的風險增加,有可能進一步降低他們的人數。戴維·貝格納德(David Begnaud)看著紐約的兩家醫院,聽取了描述他們正在處理的現場的醫務人員的消息。 。

  1. This is pure lies Corona virus is a lie…… virus witch is dead can not be transmitted from humans being without being directly injected into the body (vaccines) ……

  2. Saying the US is the coountry with the most corona cases is kind of misleading.
    The US has about twice the combined population of Italy, Spain and France.
    The 3 countries have up to date 58 thousand of known deaths, compare to 33 in the states. That is about 3 times as much per-capita.
    Other countries with large populations, in Asia and Africa are not really monitoring the panademic, since they have much bigger problems.
    At this point cov19 victims make a very small part of the overall communicable disease deaths -atssuming they mached the worse ratio of deaths per population documented in the west over 400 per 1m, it's still less than 2%.

  3. Let me point out the obvious. The purpose was not to keep people from catching the virus, it was to "flatten the curve". That means you're going to get it sooner or later. The lockdown was to make sure the hospitals were not overwhelmed. Well people are filming hospitals all over and they are empty. The emergency tents have no one in them. Let's get to work.

  4. People need to leave there phones at home……this is bs. Stop the hype….dont be tracked be the .man .. trust your neighbors not the man!!!!!! I know a nurse. Not one case at are hospitals… wtf…

  5. I think that in New York many people die perhaps by old vaccination-illnesses being not relevant for several decades in addition to Corona (for example Tetanus concerning also the lung). And some pharmaceutics – Maria Guardian in N.Y. – seek for vaccination-means already found.
    Main reasons for the desaster are in my eyes the destroying of nature in North and South Amerika: of Amazonas-rainforest warming up the oceans, the oil-gaining by oil-sand in Alberta and the unnatrual mass-production of pigs in North Carolina. The liquid manures should be cleared to clear the air in New York.
    A few weeks before I saw on TV a documantary film showing the interest of the Chinese to copy the pig mass-production, intermitted by Coran since beginning of mulim history. – Not all is bad in muslim religion.

  6. It's amazing how many people take this put a lie, the pandemic is real, stop being so ignorant please don't believe your president

  7. Overwhelm of 90% people going there with some FLU like symptoms….and thinking that they have Coronavirus.. let's put it this way (while the 10% may have severe symptoms of Pneumonia from Covid 19!) Let's be REALISTIC

  8. This may not be the case but 3 years ago I brought my MoM to ER here in México AND the place was pack It was on a weekend don't mean to be disrespectful but I saw nursed runniing they were taking care of business I don't see the same case here on your hospitals on a virus pandemia!!!
    All I see Is nurses chilling AND hospitals empty!!!

  9. Something dont add up. Some New Yorkers are saying hospitals are empty. No one can get interviews with inmates at riker island about the mass burials. I read also on medical reddit. A girl said her father who is surgeon had his pay cut and the nurses didnt have any patients to attend so they got sent home early? Strange.

  10. CBS is a pathetic joke and these criminal FAKE NEWS networks should be held criminally liable for their complicity in covering up the crimes of the deep state. MEDIA is the TERRORIST and the ENEMY of the people. These non-journalists we see every morning are nothing more than controlled b*tches who say and do exactly as they're told. They get paid well enough not to give a damn who is is hurt. Gayle King is a clown who will sit on camera and lie to your face every morning. Her soul was given over long ago. I can't tell anyone else what to do, all I can say is that since I removed MSM from my life, it was like having an exorcism done! I am more peaceful, exponentially happier and far more informed by following INDEPENDENT JOURNALISTS.

  11. Weird because when people go to these hospitals and record actual footage they look nothing like what you are reporting. All the reporting is driven by your narrative.

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