
分級為4 +©2020-Hulu。

  1. Nicholas Hoult's acting actually reminds me of Benedict Cumberbatch's acting in this trailer. Something about his tone of voice, the pacing of his dialog delivery and his physical movement. Oh, and I forgot to add, his flamboyant bravado.

  2. I knew Dr. McCoy was crazy, but I figured he was just going through an early, dark Dr. Crane phase after he and Diane-
    looks at trailer again

  3. I don't think Elle Fanning was well cast. She's a decent actress, but the role of Catherine the Great should've gone to an actress with more gravitas. Every shot of her in the trailer makes her look like a timid little girl. Her voice even seems strained as she speaks. I cannot imagine that Catherine the Great would have been as timid as a leaf when she was in reality a cunning and formidable person.

  4. As someone who's a big fan of Elle Fanning and have seen her perform beautifully in so many films, I don't if this is a good fit for her. Don't get me wrong, she is a incredibly talented actress, probably the best of her generation. I would watch her in just about anything but I just don't know if comedy is her forte. She excels in drama roles especially in productions that are character driven (like this one) but comedy isn't something she appears to have any experience in.

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