馬賽克-發射拖車-Nintendo Switch

Mosaic是一款黑暗的超現實主義大氣冒險遊戲,講述的是城市的孤立以及令人難以理解的巨型機械中的碎片。從《睡夢之中》的創作者那裡,Krillbite Studio將從童年的恐怖變為可怕的孤獨成人生活。



訂閱更多任天堂的樂趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

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  1. I love how games have evolved to where they are more than merely action oriented thrillseeking or immersing yourself in a typical RPG fantasy story, but are able to explore some themes closer to home, and maybe even be therapeutic in the process.

  2. Wait this reminds me of that one game ya know with the virus were you took care of your wife and daughter. Or that other game where you lived with your wife in a black and white apartment in a black,white,and grey world and you as the husband I think had depression and then you game ended yourself or is that just me?
    Oh and 60 seconds.

  3. For some people with an exciting, crazy life, this is a game to calm down and find peace in little things.
    For others, this actually is their life – even though the have wanted to change it for years, but can't.

  4. I played this on Apple Arcade. I』m not sure if it』s supposed to be monotonous as a commentary on the world, but redundant monotony in a game that I』m choosing to play isn』t really pleasant when there』s not really any reprieve in the gameplay.

  5. I know the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro are more powerful consoles. But I absolutely hated indie games on those systems. I feel on the Switch I actually enjoy indie titles more. Maybe it's because of the portability or the graphics processor on the Switch makes Indie titles more enjoyable. ? Dunno – just my $.02

  6. Don't you all think that this game has a deeper meaning? Besides being a great game, I think that this game raises awareness about mental health.

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