如何越獄iOS 8和8.1

iOS 8和iOS 8.1都已越獄。目前,越獄僅適用於Windows,但Mac版本即將推出。越獄與可以運行iOS 8的所有設備兼容,包括iPhone 6和6 Plus。您可以在http://lifehacker.com/5771943/how-to-jailbreak-your-iphone-the-always-up-to-date-guide-ios-61上找到執行此操作的指南

Ergo Phizmiz創作的音樂:http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Ergo_Phizmiz/ORGANOFF/04_The-Problem-With-Heather



  1. You, iphone users, can say whatever, but having to jailbreak your device to be able to download a simple file from the web is just stupid, and this if the jailbreak for your version is available…

  2. Alright…. Android users if you hate apple don't comment here….. and apple users 0lease don't reply with such "dhoedbdidj" words.K?(And also if youre not sure bout something please dont comment junk stuff)

  3. Hello Everybody! I hope everyone is having a great day! just wanted to give everyone a little reminder: Have faith in god at all times! there is so many benefits to being a Christian! You can accomplish great things with the help of god. Please consider the Lord and his son, Jesus! I am not trying to sound forceful or offend anyone, but please consider Christianity! Have a great day! I wish the best for all reading, and may the Lord guide you all on the right path!

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