PS5的DualSense控制器公開-IGN Now

索尼終於發布了PlayStation 5的控制器,稱為DualSense。其中值得注意的功能是觸發器中的觸覺反饋和內置麥克風。

#ign #gaming#ps5

  1. Sony exec: Any ideas for the new consol gen?

    Sony employee: Rename dual shock to dual sense and pretend it's different.

    Sony exec: Brilliant.

  2. why do i get the sense that it's going to be extremely inconvenient to use?
    lol sorry but it just looks really bulky to me. one of the main reasons why i've never bothered with Xbox because the controllers seems like you're handling a boat

  3. Nostradamus predicted that 2020 is the end of the world economy, so forget it. At least I got the chance to experience ps1 to 4. Its the end of the world. Peace!

  4. The best thing is that Xbox might actually be helped by this cause the Xbox controller has had haptic feedback for a while now so ps5 jumping on the train, will make more developers be 「forced」 to use the haptic feedback too

  5. The best thing is that Xbox might actually be helped by this cause the Xbox controller has had haptic feedback for a while now so ps5 jumping on the train, will make more developers be 「forced」 to use the haptic feedback too

  6. I genuinely don't get why they use the contrast. It's sad to see fans on the internet design a much better looking controller in minutes after reveal. Just make it black already! Also, I really hope this doesn't mean the console will be in the same style as the revealed controller. That would really ruin it. And the namechange is just ridiculous

  7. I genuinely don't get why they use the contrast. It's sad to see fans on the internet design a better looking controller in minutes after reveal. Just make it black already! Also, I really hope this doesn't mean the console will be in the same style as the revealed controller. That would really ruin it

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