Photoshop HIDDEN技術可加快工作流程-解釋腳本事件管理器






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●Jesus Ramirez的Photoshop視頻教程

#PhotoshopTutorial #Photoshop #PTCvids。

  1. Hi, I'm wondering if you can help me… I see the Warn If RGB script that is already available in the Script Events Manager panel, but it does the opposite of what I want. Does a Warn If CMYK script exist, and if so, where could I download it?

  2. Hey Jesus, love this channel, yours are by far the best tutorials I've come across on YouTube and elsewhere. I'm wondering if record actions can be done in Lightroom? I'm looking to shorten the lengthy process of merging hrd photos to make my timelapse sequences. Any advice is greatly appreciated, Cheers

  3. Would be nice to be able to have multiple events in the script events manager that can be checked/unchecked instead of removing and recreating them

  4. Currently, I only have an action which converts the Background Layer to a Smart Object, then, it resizes that document to 2400px X 2400px from 3600 X 3600px, a size I frequently encounter to start with. I haven't thought about a script, as my art has me going all over, opening all kinds of files. I will think about that. LOL
    Thank you!

  5. Scripts and actions save me SO MUCH time at work! I used this technique to have Photoshop select the Move Tool when the application starts (because Photoshop CS6 defaults to the Marquee Tool which I hardly ever use).

  6. Thumbs up Jesus 🙂 Like in your example I created an script event when opening a file. The action creates a new layer, a hue/saturation layer and a curves layer on top. This is standard for my workflow. And it works perfect! However there is an issue when I save the file and open it to continue to work on it. The action adds the new layers every time I open the photo. It makes no sense for me to switch the script event manager on and off again and again. Is there a workaround for this? Maybe a keypress when opening the photo that disables the script? Thank you in advance and keep up doing this job. It's amazing how much I already have learned by watching your tutorials.

  7. Could you tell me how can I open 2 different versions of the Photoshop. Like CC 2018 and CC 2019 at the same time. Thx

  8. Thanks so much for sharing. I got a question, I work a lot with layer masks and often bring masks from other tools like substance. How could I set up a script that would record the process of copying masks from an external source into PS? Or at least allow me to copy masks to different layer mask?

  9. Thank you again, Sir Jesùs. Your Tutorials are excellent, concise, very instructive, and nicely prepared. You always bring me a breath of creative teaching. Keep it coming, my brother. I love it!

  10. Excellent video. Great examples and I especially like. You'r helpful for me. I am a graphic designer also learn Creativity design. If you like please one time visit my link :@t

  11. Good idea! But i'm having problems. I wanted to create a realy simple event, but that would be very useful to me.

    1) on open new document
    2) Create new layer as copy (action i created)

    when i do it with only 1 file it works great. But i usually open 4 or 5 files at the same time that i want to work at. And then the problems start. I select (let's say) 5 files in Bridge. Camera raw pops open, i select all 5 files that i want to open. Photoshop opens all the 5 files, and THEN the event kicks in and photoshop applies the action FIVE TIMES to the last file it opened, and not 1 time to each file as it should.

    Any workaround to fix that?

  12. Atm I can't think of an action that i want to run on all the files i work on but i use action buttons mostly to quickly access menu items i often use but don't have a key assigned to (like changing color profiles for example). Still nice to see some in depth info even though i knew most of it. Maybe it'll come up again later and I'll have an idea what to use it for.

  13. Love this info, as a beginner I have an awful bad habit of beginning to work destructively on images before remembering to create a background duplicate layer… This will mean that never happens again! Thanks a million

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