如何在5分鐘內越獄任何iOS 7.1.2 / 8設備!


    這是FearxxxMExxx,今天,我將在5分鐘內製作有關如何越獄任何iOS 7.1.2設備的視頻!以下是所有有用的鏈接:


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在這裡跟蹤我…儘力! ❤

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我的Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pa …


感謝收看!我感謝所有評論和評分。平安了! 🙂


越獄iPhone 4,越獄iPhone 4s,越獄iPhone 5c,越獄iPhone 5s,越獄iPhone 6,越獄iOS 7.1.1,越獄iOS 7.1.2,iPod touch,iPad Mini,iPad air。

  1. The link wont let me do anything. I clicked deny for notifications so its a virus if it asks and tells you to click allow to continue

  2. For me, it says to check my internet connection. My internet is fine and my computer and the phone are connected to the same wi-fi network. What do I do?

  3. 25th jun. 2019.. successfull cmnt.

    Read if u hav any dbts, while jailbreaking.
    Thanku #feared tech…
    It works.
    (Dr jailbreakers, ?
    Be patience for the result.
    Make sure that device hav no password. Device reboots and It shows msgs like,,
    *Storage is full.
    *Then open cydia.
    =Cydia– preparing file systems,
    (Cydia will exit when complete)

    *Then aftr a little bit time, (3- 7mins max ) it reboots again…

    Ya, it works…

    I hav done this for nothing.
    To check its working or not.
    *its working*

  4. It WORKED !!! Oh man – you are a sweetheart !! Thank you soooo much – I love you & want to have your children – This will of coarse mean a sex change – but hey – not an insurmountable task – although it will create some rather difficult biological hurdles – shall we say ?? I'm willing if you are !!?? Lol… Thanx again from the heart… Peace… Rxx

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