
Scylla在Raelle未知,他還活著並在塞勒姆堡受到訊問。 #MotherlandFortSalem星期三在Freeform上以9p / 8c播出。




在另一個美國,女巫在300年前通過與政府達成一項為自己的國家而戰的協議,結束了對迫害的迫害。《祖國:塞勒姆堡》將三名年輕女性從戰鬥魔法的基礎訓練轉移到了早期部署。在這個世界上,性別和權力的傳統角色發生了轉變,前線更具統治力的婦女正在與迫在眉睫的恐怖主義威脅作鬥爭,這是我們這個世界所熟悉的,但是他們使用超自然的戰術和武器。該系列還出演了艾希莉·妮可·威廉姆斯,傑西卡·薩頓,泰勒·希克森,德米特里·麥金尼和阿瑪莉亞·霍爾姆。 「祖國:塞勒姆堡」是埃里奧特·勞倫斯,威爾·法雷爾,亞當·麥凱,凱文·梅西克,瑪麗亞·馬真蒂和史蒂文·阿德爾森製作的執行片。


Freeform是Disney | ABC Television的一部分,它與觀眾連接,並通過大膽的原創節目和沉浸式的社交活動超越了娛樂。作為迪士尼年輕的成人電視和流媒體網路,它提供了高質量的原創和後繼電視劇,以及粉絲最喜歡的電影以及節日活動「萬聖節31晚」和「聖誕節25天」的獨特組合。 Freeform應用程序允許觀眾訪問網路的24/7實時觀看,以及通過各種設備進行連續的按需訪問。



  1. It's interesting that throughout these episodes. I find myself really not liking Adler and from these scenes it seems like their not getting through to Scylla and it's making Adler mad. Which I'm here for.

  2. My feeling of raelle joining the spree is high , she didn』t like the army (only started watching) from the start and mentioning she will go wherever Scylla goes

  3. Raelle will be sooo furious and leave and join the spree with Scylla and riot against those who tortured her girlfriend

  4. Am I the only one not rooting for Scylla and Raelle? Like wasn't it just the first episode where she committed a terroristic attack? I am glad Raelle's power is increasing but I don't agree with the love line…

  5. this is just my theory, but what if general alder asks/ forces Raelle to play as a prison exchanging for a chance to see Scylla. Raelle will see Scylla and Alder can get more info about the Spree. kinda win-win situation ?‍♂️

  6. im confused…have we all been watching the same show???? in what world is someone like scylla to be championed??????? she compelled porter to his death, im not 100% but isnt she the same girl from the beginning who popped that balloon in the mall, and she sure as hell is part of the group who killed cheval on her wedding day. her falling for raelle does not absolve the lives taken. i just….question armies, always but anyone who takes lives, innocent lives is a bad guy. period

  7. Raelle Get Back your sexyweird soulmate we're waiting for you both to unite Can't wait for next episodes its driving me crazy a week has never been so long ?

  8. Questions I'm mulling over at this point:
    1. Is the weather manipulation going to be like this universe's climate change provoker?
    2. Why the hell would you be disbanding the army of witches who are the only ones (or at least best suited) to fight witch terrorists?
    3. Is Raelle's mother the (or a) leader of the Spree? Is that why they want her so bad? Is that why they are going after the Bellweather line? Because her mom blamed Abigail's for her unit getting massacred or whatever…
    4. Is Scylla actually Scylla? Like in episode 1 she was looking like the redhead that killed everyone at the mall, so is the redhead a common disguise the Spree use? Is the redhead what Scylla actually looks like? In that case was there a different girl who was really Scylla that dated Porter, and the redhead chick just took over her identity?

  9. Nothing is gonna drive Raelle away from the army more than finding out that they lied to her and is torturing Scylla. They army is gonna regret what they did to her, going on her bad side, Raelle will make sure of that

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